125 Kenyan curriculum developers and 60 authors and publishers have come together from 24 to 27 November in Nairobi to discuss curriculum reforms in their country. The workshop aimed at sharing an inter-regional comparative perspective on curriculum trends, issues and strategies with a focus on competency-based approaches. The long-term objective of the workshop is to inform curriculum reform/review processes and to align these with the national development plan: Kenya Vision 2030.
During the four days of the workshop, participants – curriculum developers, authors and publishers, and teacher trainers – were encouraged to share knowledge and understanding on the Kenyan curriculum reform and development process; strengthen their capacity on curriculum reforms process and developments; and discuss guidelines for the design and implementation of curriculum reforms, grounded on competency-based approaches.
By participating in the workshop, participants gained a “broader knowledge and understanding of the concept of competency as applied in curriculum development” (a Curriculum Specialist’s comment). Participants further expressed their satisfaction toward such competencies since they were provided with “a quite comprehensive aspect of curriculum and competency-based curriculum, which is going to be very beneficial in the upcoming reforms” (A Teacher Trainer’s statement). The curriculum reform will be key to ensure equitable, quality education and lifelong learning for 45 million Kenyans.
IBE-UNESCO, once again, reiterates one of its priorities that is to encourage innovative solutions to support ministries of education and governments in the complex task of improving quality and development-relevance of their curriculum, teaching, learning, as well as assessment processes and outcomes.