Information and analyses in the areas of curriculum, learning, and assessment is central for strengthening the capacity of education systems to equitably provide high-quality education and effective learning opportunities—thus contributing to quality Education for All.
In this regular issue we’ve included articles that bear directly on these three areas, with topics ranging from curriculum reform and inclusive education to active learning, vocational training, and formal, non-formal, and informal learning. The articles examine research-based early-grade reading programmes; teacher enactment of active-learning pedagogy; disability-inclusive indicators that are local and contextually applicable; instruction in local language as one aspect of the right to education; engagement of higher education institutions in disaster prevention and mitigation; access to different types of learning and training in rural areas; and the duality principle (the integration of theory and practice in the context of vocational education and training). Besides adding substantive arguments to ongoing scholarly debates, all the articles also develop valuable recommendations for policy-makers.
We are hoping that this issue will further influence education debates on curriculum, learning, and assessment—e.g., in rethinking curriculum structures and objectives, approaches to teaching and learning, and assessment systems within the framework of a holistic vision of education.