UNESCO recruits Chief of Universal Access and Preservation Section
27-02-2009 (Paris)

UNESCO Headquarters
The post of the Chief of the Section for Universal Access and Preservation (UAP) is presently open for recruitment at the Information Society Division of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector. The major responsibility of this post consists in managing the Section and its staff by providing intellectual, strategic and operational leadership, and by planning and executing regular programme and extra-budgetary activities.
More particularly, the incumbent of the post will prepare inputs to the preparation of strategies and programmes in the fields assigned to the Section; conceptualise, design and implement its activities; provide expert advice on them; motivate and mentor the staff of the Section; share information and knowledge identifying innovative solutions; plan and execute projects of strategic nature in Member States, etc.
Candidates to the post must have advanced university degree in information management or in one of the fields covered by the work of the Section. A combination of relevant professional qualification and extensive experience in the field of communication and information may be taken into consideration.
The vacancy notices available on UNESCO's website contain, inter alia, more detailed information on duties and responsibilities, qualifications required, salary and benefits, and on how to apply.
When applying for UNESCO vacancies, please only use the online recruitment system at www.unesco.org/employment
Candidates to the post must have advanced university degree in information management or in one of the fields covered by the work of the Section. A combination of relevant professional qualification and extensive experience in the field of communication and information may be taken into consideration.
The vacancy notices available on UNESCO's website contain, inter alia, more detailed information on duties and responsibilities, qualifications required, salary and benefits, and on how to apply.
When applying for UNESCO vacancies, please only use the online recruitment system at www.unesco.org/employment
- Chief, HRM/RCR
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP
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