UNESCO recruits Advisors for Communication and Information in its Tehran and Cairo Offices
29-06-2009 (Paris)

UNESCO Headquarters
Two posts are presently open for recruitment at UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector: Advisors for Communication and Information in Tehran (Iran), and Cairo (Egypt).
Major responsibilities of the two posts include planning, coordinating and supervising the preparation of sub-regional and national communication and information strategies and projects, and implementing UNESCO’s communication and information activities in the countries covered by the two offices.
The vacancy notices, available on UNESCO's website, contain, inter alia, information on duties and responsibilities, qualifications required, salary and benefits, and on how to apply.
When applying for UNESCO vacancies, candidates must only use the on-line recruitment system at www.unesco.org/employment. Candidates without access to internet may send a paper application by completing the official UNESCO CV form (available at Headquarters, UNESCO Offices, National Commissions in Member States, or any office of a United Nations Resident Representative) in English or French to:
UNESCO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any question concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of UNESCO and requesting payment of a fee, please contact: Recrutweb@unesco.org.
The vacancy notices, available on UNESCO's website, contain, inter alia, information on duties and responsibilities, qualifications required, salary and benefits, and on how to apply.
When applying for UNESCO vacancies, candidates must only use the on-line recruitment system at www.unesco.org/employment. Candidates without access to internet may send a paper application by completing the official UNESCO CV form (available at Headquarters, UNESCO Offices, National Commissions in Member States, or any office of a United Nations Resident Representative) in English or French to:
- Chief, HRM/RCR
7 place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP
UNESCO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any question concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of UNESCO and requesting payment of a fee, please contact: Recrutweb@unesco.org.
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