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National Commissions

UNESCO is the only UN Agency to have a global network of national cooperating bodies known as National Commissions for UNESCO. 

National Commissions make part of the overall constitutional architecture of the Organization.

Set up by their respective governments in accordance with the Article VII of the UNESCO Constitution, the National Commissions operate, on a permanent basis, for the purpose of associating their governmental and non-governmental bodies in education, sciences, culture and communication with the work of the Organization. 


Presently, there are 199 National Commissions for UNESCO across the world. They constitute a truly global family with as an authoritative network of stakeholders, partners and experts and offer a comparative advantage to the Organization within the United Nations system. This network plays a significant role in the liaison with partners, the coordination of activities and the promotion of UNESCO’s visibility at the country level.

Directory of National Commissions


Acting as agencies of consultation, liaison and information, and mobilizing and coordinating partnerships with national partners, including the civil society, the National Commissions make also substantial contributions in the advancement of UNESCO’s objectives and in the implementation of its programme. 


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