Communication and Information's photobank Wed, 03 Aug 2016 11:13:32 -0400 PhotoPost Pro 7.0 60 Final Session - 4th International Conference on the Memory of the World Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:26:39 -0400 Photo taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. From left to right: Mr Edward Chudzik, Deputy Director of National Centre for Culture (Poland) Prof. Slawomir Ratajski, Secretary-General of Polish National Commission for UNESCO Mr Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO Dr Andrzej Biernat, Acting General Director of State Archives (Poland) Ms Joie Springer, Programme Specialist responsible for the Memory of the World Programme, UNESCO Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Prof. Wojciech Falkowski during the Opening Ceremony at the Royal Castle Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:26:35 -0400 Photo taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Mr Bogdan Zdrojewski during the Opening Ceremony at the Royal Castle Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:26:31 -0400 Mr Bogdan Zdrojewski is the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Poland This photo was taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Opening lecture by the Prof. Rajmohan Gandhi (India) at the Royal Castle Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:08:47 -0400 Photo taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Janis Karklins during the opening ceremony at the Royal Castle in Warsaw Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:08:44 -0400 Photo taken during the Opening Ceremony of the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. Mr Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for the Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO, is addressing to the participants of the 4th International Conference. Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Opening Ceremony at the Royal Castle in Warsaw Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:08:40 -0400 Photo taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. From left to right: Prof. Daria Nalecz Prof. Tomasz Nalecz Mr Bogdan Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Ms Barbara Zdrojewska Mr Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for the Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO Prof. Marek Ziolkowski, Vice-Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Ray Edmondson during the plenary meeting, Copernicus Science Centre Fri, 22 Jul 2011 08:42:20 -0400 Photo taken during the 4th International Conference of the Memory of the World Programme, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 May 2011. Filip Otmianowski © Narodowe Centrum Kultury (NCK) Cooking women for the militia Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:28:55 -0400 Women assembled for cooking the foods to the militia. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall The food support by the citizens Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:28:55 -0400 Gwangju citizens gathered the foods from each community and took them to the municipal building where the all the militia assembled. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Militia Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:28:54 -0400 Armed citizens to resist agains the paratroopers. Jae-sung Kim © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Transfer the wounds Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:25:00 -0400 The citizens are taking the wounded citizens by the violence of the paratroopers to the hospital. Citizen © May 18 Memorial Foundation Resistance and confrontation of the citizens Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:24:59 -0400 The outraged citizens are mobilizing the vehicles to confront agains the paratroopers. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Resistance and confrontation of the citizens Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:24:58 -0400 The outraged citizens are mobilizing the vehicles to confront agains the paratroopers. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Arresting the demonstrating students Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:24:58 -0400 The young ones who looked like the students were taken to the Army prisons after severely beaten by the soldiers. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Municipal Square- Peaceful Rally Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:24:53 -0400 Professors, students and citizens are rallying in front of Municipal Square demanding for lifting the Emergency Decree and Democracy. Gwangju Il Bo © Gwangju Il Bo Funeral of the victims Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:45:33 -0400 The funeral ceremony of the victims are being conducted at the mass cemetery of Gwangju city. This cemetery is being called as Mangwol-dong cemetery, and it became the original point for solving the problems relating to May 18 Uprising ever since. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Victimized high school students Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:45:32 -0400 There were few high school students among the militia, who were resisting until the last minute in the municipal building, but they were all killed by the military. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Dispatched the Tanks Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:45:31 -0400 The military are mobilizing the tanks to crack down the militia. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Laid the victim to the Sangmoo gymnasium Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:34:36 -0400 Laid the victim during the Uprising since May 18 were taken to the Sangmoo gymnasium. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Moving the deads Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:34:35 -0400 The victimized militia by the cross fire between the paratroopers retreated to the vicinity and the militia are entering the municipal building. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Open fire by the paratroopers and massacre Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:34:35 -0400 The paratroopers started open fire at noon indiscriminately to the resisting citizens. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Massacre by the Paratroopers Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:34:34 -0400 Paratroopers started to beating and massacring the innocent citizens viciously and indiscriminately. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Dispatched Paratroopers Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:34:34 -0400 Chun Doo Whan dispatched the Paratroopers to the peaceful Gwangju citizens' rallies starting massacre the innocent citizens. Gyeong-tak Na © Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall Displays of the Humanist Library Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:59:21 -0400 The displays of the Humanist Library, showing manuscripts and incunabula, and wooden busts of two apostles. F. LANGEL © F. LANGEL Rerum Germanicarum Libri III (Bibliothèque Humaniste K451) Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:59:19 -0400 Author: Beatus Rhenanus History of the Holy Roman Empire published by Johannes Froben. Ville de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat Facade of Humanist Library and parish church St Georges Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:59:17 -0400 YN CAMPANELLA © YN CAMPANELLA First edition of works of theologian Tertullian Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:59:13 -0400 First edition of the works of the 3rd Century theologian Tertullian, printed by Johannes Froben, Basel in 1521, edited by Beatus Rhenanus (Bibliothèque Humanite K944). Ville de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat The merovingian lectionary (VIIth century - Bibliothèque Humaniste MS1a) Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:27:24 -0400 The merovingian lectionary (VIIth century - Bibliothèque Humaniste MS1a), the oldest book preserved in Alsace, presented in one of the showcases of the Humanist Library, is a liturgical work ; the latin text, from the Bible, is the first lesson read at the Mass in the diocese of Aquila in northern Italy. It was part of the library of Beatus Rhenanus. Ville de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat The Rhenana, sanctuary of the Humanist Library Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:27:22 -0400 The "Rhenana", sanctuary of the humanist library, showing the albaster bust of Jean Mentel (first alsatian printer), and the precious book collection of Beatus Rhenanus. Ville de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat Wood engraving portrait of Beatus Rhenanus Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:27:21 -0400 lle de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat Sélestat Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:27:19 -0400 View of the old town of Sélestat, birthplace of Beatus Rhenanus. Christophe Meyer © Christophe Meyer Beatus Rhenanus' exercise book (1499 - Bibliothèque Humaniste MS50) Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:27:17 -0400 Beatus Rhenanus' exercise book (1499 - Bibliothèque Humaniste MS50), aged 13 and studying at the latin school of Sélestat. He studied classical texts such as Virgil and Ovid, and took conscientious notes of the commentaries and remarks of his teacher, Crato Hofmann. Ville de Sélestat © Ville de Sélestat Mr. Salim reading the nominated manuscript at the Museum La Galigo Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:10:44 -0400 Exact title : Muhammad Salim reading the nominated manuscript at the Museum La Galigo in Makassar Roger Tol © Roger Tol Pages 140 and 141 of the Leiden manuscript, Vol. XII Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:07:50 -0400 Pages 140 and 141 of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Leiden (Vol. XII) University of Leiden Library © University of Leiden Library Pages 54 and 55 of the Leiden manuscript, Vol. VII Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:06:21 -0400 Pages 54 and 55 of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Leiden (Vol. VII) University of Leiden Library © University of Leiden Library Pages 64 and 65 of the Leiden manuscript, Vol. I Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:05:06 -0400 Pages 64 and 65 of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Leiden (Vol. I) University of Leiden Library © University of Leiden Library Pages 215 and 216 of the Makassar manuscript Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:01:54 -0400 Pages 215 and 216 of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Makassar. Roger Tol © Museum La galigo Pages 2 and 3 of the Makassar manuscript Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:00:14 -0400 Pages 2 and 3 of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Makassar. Roger Tol © Museum La galigo First page of the Makassar manuscript Thu, 23 Jun 2011 10:58:08 -0400 First page of the nominated La Galigo manuscript in Makassar. Roger Tol © Museum La galigo Manuscript, piano score, Aram Khachaturian's song To the Daughter of Iran Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:43:17 -0400 First page of the manuscript of the piano score of Aram Khachaturian's song "To the Daughter of Iran" The song "To the Daughter of Iran" was written by Aram Khachaturian in 1939. The manuscript is held in Aram Khachaturian museum. © Aram Khachaturian museum Manuscript of piano score, Aram Khachaturian's song To my Motherland Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:43:17 -0400 The first page of the manuscript of the piano score of Composer Aram Khachaturian 's song "To my Motherland" The song "To my Motherland" was written by Composer Aram Khachaturian in 1950. The manuscript is held in Aram Khachaturian museum. © Aram Khachaturian museum Manuscript of the piano score of Aram Khachaturian's Symphony n°1 Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:43:17 -0400 First page of the manuscript of the piano score of Aram Khachaturian's Symphony n°1 The Symphony n°1 was written by Aram Khachaturian in 1943. The manuscript is held in Aram Khachaturian museum. © Aram Khachaturian museum Stone Steles of Royal Examinations Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:13:28 -0400 Nguyen Van Tu, Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam © Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam / Nguyen Van Tu Row of Stone Steles of Royal Examinations Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:13:28 -0400 Nguyen Van Tu, Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam © Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam / Nguyen Van Tu Stone Steles of Royal Examinations. Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:13:28 -0400 Unknown © Institute of Social Science Information, Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam Right side of the Section of Stone Steles, Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:13:28 -0400 Nguyen Van Tu, Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam © Center for Scientific and Cultural activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam / Nguyen Van Tu Pilgrims book from the Royal Hospital Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:23:21 -0400 The pilgrims came from many different European countries : from Poland, Holland, France and Portugal and withing the borders of Spain. The pilgrim's names, place of birth, nationality and the number of days they stayed were recorded in the hospital's records books. Photo taken in 2008. Historic Archive of University © University of Santiago de Compostela Image of Diego de Muros and Alonso de Fonseca Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:23:19 -0400 Executive letters from Pope Leon X concerning legal battle between Royal Hospital and Alonso III de Fonseca. In the letters were found images of both parties including their coats of arms. On the left, Fonseca with his coat of arms with five stars and on the right Diego de Muros with a cross of authority. Photo taken in 2008. Historic Archive of University © University of Santiago de Compostela Constitutions of the Royal Hospital decreed by Charles V Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:23:16 -0400 "Hospitalero de los sanos": concerning person responsible for taking care of pilgrims. Photo taken in 2008. Historic Archive of University © University of Santiago de Compostela Pages from Prince Dipanagara’s autobiographical chronicle (1831-2) Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:04:03 -0400 Binding and pages from Prince Dipanagara of Yogyakarta (1785-1855)’s autobiographical chronicle written in pégon (Javanese written in unvocalised Arabic script). National Library of Indonesia (Perpustakaan Nasional, Jakarta) © National Library of Indonesia (Jakarta)