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Oficina Internacional de Educación

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The IBE launches its first Master of Education in Curriculum Design and Development in Tanzania

After four successful editions of the Postgraduate Diploma in Curriculum Design and Development in Africa, the IBE-UNESCO will be launching its first Master of Education in Curriculum Design and Development in July 2016, in partnership with the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) and UNESCO’s Section for Teacher Development (ED/ESC/TED).


This Master Programme aims to promote capacity development in curricular trends, issues and strategies  from an international comparative perspective and  within SGD 4 – Education 2030 framework, gearing towards “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

The Master is designed for curriculum developers and specialists, teacher educators, graduate serving teachers, school inspectors, examination officers, researchers as well as educational planners and policy makers at local, national and regional levels. It is intended to enhance the target groups’ competencies in understanding, leading, researching, planning, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the curriculum, as well as in decision-making about curriculum and education in general.

The Programme can be pursued on a part-time basis, including a two-week face to face intensive session – comprising workshops, roundtables, school visits and conferences animated by distinguished international and national experts – and online learning sessions and activities during the academic year. The minimum duration of the course is 18 months for students who join the Masters programme directly. Candidates who have previously attained the Postgraduate Diploma in Curriculum Design and Development can complete the Masters programme in 12 months.

Deadline for applications: 25 June 2016

For more information, please visit the website: http://www.out.ac.tz/unit_index.php?m=31&u=8

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