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Empower youth and communities to respond to HIV & AIDS, Zanzibar
11 March 2009

Hi, we are Alama Haji Khatib and Harith Abdulla Mohamed from Zanzibar Island situated in the Indian Ocean in East Africa.

We are peer educators of Youth Self- Employment Foundation (YOSEFO). There were 10 of us who received training on how to facilitate other youth on HIV prevention. Our project is to be implemented for a period of 9 months commencing from March to October in the year 2009 in six Shehias of Western district of Unguja namely Fumba, Bweleo, Dimani, Kombeni, Maungani and Shakani.

The main objective of our project is to increase the knowledge and skills on HIV prevention to more than 400 young fishermen and women in order to reduce risk behavior which leads to new HIV and AIDS infection.

A variety of activities will be implemented and these include the following:-

  • Promoting Youth Visioning in our community.
  • Introduction meetings on the project.
  • Development of IEC/BCC materials
  • Conducting drama shows and  radio programs
  • Conducting six sessions of debates and six sessions of dialogues
  • Conducting surveys before and after the activities to measure knowledge relating to HIV and AIDS.

The project will be implemented in collaboration with different partners including the Zanzibar Theater group, TVZ and Radio Zanzibar. There will also be consultations with the Zanzibar AIDS Commission.


<< More information: Empower youth and communities to respond to HIV & AIDS, Zanzibar






Alama Haji Khatib


Harith Abdulla Mohamed


Source: Geoatlas Graphi-ogre

This page last updated: 11 March 2009