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HIV/AIDS workshop success, Fiji
19 March 2009


Just an update from my end on the workshop. All went well according to plan. About 55 participants on both days from 5 villages - Malabi, Wailotu, Natokalau, Dakuivuna and Delasui. There was also a church gathering on the same day in Dakuivuna so a few of those who had initially planned to come to the workshop had to represent the others at the church meeting. The resource people who were invited participated at the training and the participants enjoyed the 2 days. We had lots of resource materials provided by the Korovou Hospital ARD that complemented the learning during the 2 days. And there's lots of pictures from the workshop here that will be part of the final report.

I have been talking to the Ministry of Youth and SPC (Tarusila Bradburgh) regarding stories from the workshop that they want included in the newsletters & reports etc.

I am in the process of writing my report. I am also in the process of summarising the evaluation forms and a full analysis will be provided with the training report + acquittals. I hope to clear the report and acquittal by the end of this month, if not first week of April.

I think that's all for now from my end.

Kind Regards


>> More on HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Training Workshop, Fiji







This page last updated: 19 March 2009