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Project Early - Puppet Television Show, Grenada
28 January 2009

"Hello Everyone,

My name is Amanda John from Brain Storm Productions in Grenada, a small island in the Southern Caribbean.

We are an energetic bunch of young people who major in the production of television programs with special interest in helping Non-Governmental Organizations(N.G.O.) to promote projects on HIV and other health issues.

We were very grateful to obtain funding from UNESCO to assist us with a four month pilot project to produce the first series of an HIV/AIDS awareness television puppet show for kids targeting ages 6-21.

We are producing these shows in collaboration with Angel Mountain Limited, an active N.G.O. on the island committed to educating people about health issues and healthy living.

Sexual initiation begins very early in our region, as early as 9 and there is still a great taboo talking about sex and HIV to young children as well as adolescents, even adults! We hope to help break this barrier with these informative, entertaining 25 minute shows which will feature young people in the above age groups interacting with each other and life-size puppets who will be the main medium for educating them about HIV.

We are now in the pre-production stage where we have several preliminary meetings to finalize sets designs and plan shooting schedules.

The show promises to be an exciting one and we hope we can share its content with the rest of the region and anyone who might be interested in using it as a model for their own territory.

We wish everyone success with your projects!"

Amanda John

<< More information: Project Early - Puppet Television Show, Grenada







This page last updated: 11 February 2009