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COPEAM: Workshop on South-Mediterranean Public TV Journalism Training Needs

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$22 000.00

The media sector in the MENA region (Middle East and North-African countries) is experiencing an intense growth in terms of quantity of new players (privatisation in national TV sector and emergence of Pan-Arab satellite channels), which offer diversification, scope of action and technological progress. The existing training opportunities for journalists provided by the training and academic institutes operating in the region are not sufficient in comparison with the needs, in particular in the field of specialised training. The analysis of the current media landscape shows a large interest in a variety of actors (e.g. national or regional institutes and centres, donors, organizations and associations) and many of the media development and training-oriented initiatives. However, such efforts rarely imply regional partnerships or a multi-lateral approach, consequently producing a fragmentation of the offer. The radio-TV broadcasters are not used to plan an in-house continuous training strategy and refresher courses for media professionals during their career, and there are few inner training structures within the Human Resources departments. In order to improve the journalism training programmes (IPDC priority: Developing human resources), the project proposes to: undertake a comprehensive audit on journalism training needs by involving directly the South- Mediterranean public broadcasters' editors-in-chief; promote the cross-sector exchange between radio-TV public broadcasters and media training organizations operating in the region (IPDC priority: Promotion of international partnership); and spread awareness about new distance learning, new media and satellite opportunities to be employedto implement complementary specialisation or refresher training activities. The project will allow for assessment of the feasibility of developing e-learning programmes and tools in order to answer to the broadcasters' concrete training needs.

Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nÂș: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Beneficiary address: 
Via Monte Santo, 52 - 00195 Rome
Beneficiary phone: 
Tel. +39 0636862405 - Fax +39 06 36226758
Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 

Misako Ito, m.ito@unesco.org;

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 

Micol Pancaldi, mpancaldi@copeam.org; COPEAM Secretariat, sgcopeam@copeam.org;

Project place: 
UNINETTUNO Headquarters, Rome

Project region:

Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The results of the questionnaire and of the three-day inter-sector workshop debate have been resumed into a final report about the journalism training. COPEAM has welcomed these suggestions and will try to develop future regional training projects able to meet the highlighted priorities and needs. This networking and exchange action involving media organisations and training operators will be continued.