Building capacity for science journalism in the Balkan region – an online training course
The proposed project will address the lack of science media associations and limited professional capacity of science media workers in the Balkan region. BASJ, a newly created regional journalists association, will promote online education and cooperation with other international and regional organizations and institutions in the Balkans. It will offer a 6-month online training course delivered through webinars and online lectures using BASJ's Science Media Network platform. The course will upgrade the skills of 20 journalism trainers, enabling them to teach new media competencies. The course will also educate 110 new science journalists and future mentors.
Participants will gain informal education in quality science journalism as well as an online platform they can continue to use together. This platform will not only create a cross-border network but will also strengthen cooperation; raise awareness on the necessary standards of media and science literacy; and improve multimedia literacy amongst citizens of the region.