Therefore, this project, which will take as reference the approach of UNESCO’s publication ‘Climate Change in Africa: A Guidebook for Journalists’7, which focused at raising awareness among journalists on the interdisciplinary core of the climate change and on how they can reflect that in their practices. The project aims at providing skills and knowledge for designing and implementing communication campaigns on DRM and CCA to at least 30 local journalists permanently working in the Ancash Region. This would be done through a 60-hour course in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional...
IPDC Project implementation status: Ongoing
The relationship between the press and the judiciary in Argentina, as in other countries, is one that has historically been marked by tension. In the majority of cases, this tension leads neither to the bolstering of freedom of the press nor to the strengthening of the judicial system. Given these two entities' centrality in the democratic landscape of Argentina, the ongoing conflicts between them adversely affects not just the institutions, but also the exercise of democracy itself.
This tension stems equally from structural factors as from factors rooted in the poor...
CEPPAS proposes to train women journalists on the use of ICTs for investigative journalism. The project targets Verapaces, North East and Petén; Western; South East, Central and Metropolitan Regions which suffer a profound digital divide and where women have little say in the community media, in which they work. The proposal is based on three pillars: gender equality; community media; technology and innovation with emphasis on FOSS.
Three workshops of three days each will involve women-journalists. CEPPAS will also hold a Forum on Women and Journalism involving media and advocacy...
The objectives of this project are:
A. To contribute in the creation of tools for updating and training members of the judiciary in the thematic project.
B. To promote the application of international human rights law and international standards on freedom of expression and access to public information by the judiciary.
C. To improve the justice system's response to threats to freedom of expression and the right of access to public information.
D. To contribute to the creation of conditions that will strengthen the justice system as a guarantor of freedom of...
The project proposes to implement an assessment of media development in Haiti (LCD) based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDIs) and using the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) to foreground gender dimension throughout the assessment.
The results would be an important tool for guiding the efforts of national actors working in the area of media development and legislation, including lawyers and policy makers. Such a study will provide an up-to-date state of arts of national media landscape and a comprehensive analysis of the current media situation...
The Vuelan las Plumas platform seeks to become an example of quality cultural journalism whose content production can be taken advantage of by many other media and forms of communication.
The creation of content requires a professional team with the capacities to develop quality programs and interviews. Vuelan las Plumas consists in generating and broadcasting live via radio and TV, and then uploading the content produced to the website to be downloaded by other communications media professionals and the wider public. To achieve this, capacity building is essential. ...
In this project CFOM will interview news editors/senior journalists of news organisations (see C Additional Information below) in six countries where press freedom is constrained and where editors could therefore be expected to have a greater interest in combating threats to journalists and ensuring safe reporting than in countries where the press is relatively free and journalists generally operate in a safe environment. These countries are Pakistan, Mexico, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Turkey, India and Bulgaria. The interviews will focus on editors/senior journalists’ news...