Since the 90s, the political situation in Côte d'Ivoire has been particularly unsettled. And unfortunately, with each crisis, journalists have always been singled out as targets. Underlying these assaults on Ivorian journalists' and media professionals' physical and moral integrity is the widely held view that journalists do not always exercise their profession in a professional manner. According to a number of observers, this is due to a lack of knowledge, on the part of journalists, of the rules of their profession and the legislative and regulatory frameworks governing the media and...
IPDC Project evaluated: No
To that end, AUCC has developed both a Climate Change course for its final year (Level 400) students, and also a 2-4 week training course for journalists currently employed in the field. The broad aim of these courses is to educate the journalists on climate change in order to equip them to educate their communities on the need to protect and sustain Planet Earth in order to guarantee quality human life. Training people to become effective journalists is important because journalists help the communication process at two levels: (1) analysis to bring sense and structure out of the never-...
In 2012, Mali experienced severe political and security upheavals which plunged the country into a crisis with economic and political repercussions. Following the political changes that occurred in 1991, considerable progress was made in the area of freedom of expression, so much so that Malian experience was praised by numerous observers. The principles of freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are established in the Constitution of 25 February 1992. As the media played a major role in the advent of democracy, a genuine culture of press freedom has emerged in...
Train 8 male and female presenters, and 5 members of the Friends of Bandafassi FM Community Radio Association, in radio broadcast production techniques, administrative and financial management of a community radio station, strategic planning, and on issues of decentralization, good governance, and citizenship after following the series of courses.
The purpose of this project is to promote local capacity building in safety and protection of journalists by reinforcing the existing monitoring network of the Swaziland Union of Journalists and Swaziland Editors’ Forum with a 3-day national seminar and creating social media tools for online safety monitoring and reporting. The proposed training will use the UNESCO produced “Model Curricula for Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi”, which incorporates a module on safety and journalism. Under this module, the workshop content will be drawn from “Unit1” - Rights and legal...
The killings of journalists and the level of impunity for such crimes is a persistent problem. Between 2006-2013 593 journalists were killed and the current level of impunity, based on states’ responses to UNESCO, is 93.3% (UNESCO’s DG’s report to IPDC, November 2014). This problem is widely recognised amongst IGOs, NGOs and the media community and has become a priority agenda item for the UN. The UN has developed a ‘Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity’ in 2012 in an attempt to combat, crimes against journalists and impunity and ultimately to ensure...
Women's voices are essential to the development of societies. In order to strengthen women’s voices, women have to be present in making the news and entertainment. Gender equality within media organizations have to be fostered and supported proactively. Balanced gender portrayal in media content is also crucial, to ensure stereotypes are not reinforced. Finally, women media workers have to be safe from gender specific violence to carry on their work.
Unfortunately, there is virtually no data available about the presence of women in media organizations in Brazil; regional...
In the Dominican Republic there are 7 national printed newspapers and an imprecise number of local newspapers. Over five hundred radio and television stations and more than three hundred domestic and international TV cable stations. The practice of journalism is governed by the Constitution of the Dominican Republic; 61-32 Law on Freedom of Expression and Media; by Law 10-91 of licensing of journalists; 200-04 and the Law on Free Access to Public Information.
The Dominican College of Journalists (CDP) has more than four thousand (4,000) members who are journalism...
The project proposes to implement an assessment of media development in Haiti (LCD) based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDIs) and using the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) to foreground gender dimension throughout the assessment.
The results would be an important tool for guiding the efforts of national actors working in the area of media development and legislation, including lawyers and policy makers. Such a study will provide an up-to-date state of arts of national media landscape and a comprehensive analysis of the current media situation...