In 2012, Mali experienced severe political and security upheavals which plunged the country into a crisis with economic and political repercussions. Following the political changes that occurred in 1991, considerable progress was made in the area of freedom of expression, so much so that Malian experience was praised by numerous observers. The principles of freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are established in the Constitution of 25 February 1992. As the media played a major role in the advent of democracy, a genuine culture of press freedom has emerged in...
IPDC Project beneficiary type: Other
The purpose of this project is to promote local capacity building in safety and protection of journalists by reinforcing the existing monitoring network of the Swaziland Union of Journalists and Swaziland Editors’ Forum with a 3-day national seminar and creating social media tools for online safety monitoring and reporting. The proposed training will use the UNESCO produced “Model Curricula for Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi”, which incorporates a module on safety and journalism. Under this module, the workshop content will be drawn from “Unit1” - Rights and legal...
This project proposes a training workshop targeting 20 managers and content producers from 5 community radio initiatives. The proposed training will run for 2 days and will focus on the UNESCO produced toolkit on “Linking Generations through Radio”. The raining will be conducted in collaboration with a consultant radio producer in Zimbabwe and will be hosted in one of the community radio initiatives. This training is essential because ZACRAS members are already producing content from their communities which they package in CDs for distribution. The managers and content producers require...
The proposed project will contribute to professional capacity building and support to institutions that underpin freedom of expression, pluralism and diversity through advanced practical training in the field of broadcasting (with focus on radio),according to UNESCO's Model Curriculum with the aim to increase the number of well-trained broadcast journalists in South Sudan.The aim is to equip them with skills that enables them elaborate professionally designed programmes for their radio stations and above all, their audiences with gender sensitive programs.
Provide 20 female members of the Association des femmes comoriennes de la presse (AFCP) with a 1-week course on the production of news reports and on conducting media interviews so that, on completion, they will be able to perform their jobs in their respective media houses in full knowledge of the rules applicable to news processing while adhering to the ethical principles and values of the profession.
The project will target 80 practicing journalists comprising of radio managers, citizen journalists, radio presenters and talkshow hosts from Gulu, Lira, Kitgum, Soroti and Arua districts. Participants attending the training will comprise of 50% women and 50% males.The project will contribute to promoting good governance and transparency by building professional capacities in peace journalism in Uganda.
Provide skills and knowledge in peace journalism to 80 journalists (50% men and 50% women) working in media houses in Gulu, Kitgum, Lira, Soroti and Arua districts in...
Three, 3-day training workshops, organized by the Mauritania Syndicate of Independent Journalists (SJIM) to strengthen editorial skills among independent journalists. The list of participants in each workshop, as well as the list of speakers and the detailed program, will be submitted to the UNESCO office in Rabat 15 days before the date of each activity.
Provide skills and knowledge for media compliance to 20 representatives of legal, advertising, human resource, government relations departments including owners and editors of print media (50% women and 50% men) working in 10 print media from Kazakhstan, through two a two-days training course.