Portsmouth, one of the most populous communities in Dominica, has limited access to media since there are no community-owned outlets serving that region and only limited low-cost options available. This project will therefore provide the necessary equipment and training to establish a community-owned radio outlet. The station is projected to reach over 6,000 listeners across the town of Portsmouth and its environs. It will empower citizens by enabling immediate and affordable access to information on relevant issues as well as the promotion of culture.
Regions: Latin America and the Caribbean
While there is a large and varied media market in the Caribbean region, most outlets are regulated by the state and are subject to defamation laws. Regional, national and international media workers’ associations have been advocating the relaxation of the libel laws across the region in order to facilitate more robust scrutiny of public officials. This relaxation process requires individual media markets and a code of practice so that a public complaints body can be established. This project will establish/strengthen media self-regulatory systems in the Caribbean region by developing a...
In 2006, the Forum for Argentine Journalism (FOPEA), a nationwide grouping of independent journalists, adopted the country’s first comprehensive ethics code. This is an important step given that journalists in Argentina face constant challenges to the delivery of balanced news reports. However, many FOPEA members have had difficulty understanding how to apply the code. FOPEA therefore proposes to produce a user’s guide and ethics advisory council, both of which will help journalists and media companies address ethical dilemmas. The code will encourage self-regulation, while the advisory...
Mexico is one of the most challenging countries for journalists in Latin America. In 2012, ARTICLE 19 (an NGO) documented 207 aggressions against press workers and media organisations, a 20% increase on the previous year. This project aims to help reduce the number of media workers attacked for carrying out their work in Mexico by: a) improving their understanding of the right to freedom of expression; and b) bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice.
This project aims to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through print media and television. It will provide training to individuals from the press, radio, television, journalists’ associations and universities in order to encourage these organizations to adopt practices and policies that focus on gender equality.
This project seeks to foster a framework for media self-regulation in Uruguay by strengthening the implementation of the Code of Ethics recently approved by the Association of Uruguayan journalists. It will do so by: a) promoting awareness of the Code among media and journalism students so that as many media organizations as possible adopt it voluntarily, thereby strengthening its enforceability; and b) setting a date for the first periodic review, thereby ensuring maximum participation in a national debate on media self-regulation.
Since the creation of Radio La Voz del Minero in 1947, Bolivia’s miners’ radio stations have acted as important spaces for public participation, the defence of miners’ rights as well as for cultural and educational activities. Today, however, many of these stations lack communicators and producers. This project seeks to improve the management capacities of members of miners' radio stations by supporting training sessions concerning radio programming, production, management and funding as well as relevant legal knowledge, based on the recommendations from UNESCO’s Community Radio...
In a country that is highly dangerous for journalists, Internet has come to represent a safe space for journalism. However, a forthcoming law on blocking and removing content from the Internet poses a threat to freedom of expression, access to information and privacy. This project therefore seeks to formulate a safety manual to help media professionals better protect their rights and personal safety when using ICTs and the Internet. This guide will include the recommendations and implementation strategy of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity...
Ecuador has recently approved a Communications Law that restricts the exercise of free expression. In order to minimize this Law's potential for self-censorship and external interference and to build a culture of high-quality journalism, this project will train journalism students, journalists and media leaders on best practices (including self-regulation, transparency and high ethical standards).
Most local and regional media outlets in Peru have very limited financial, technical and professional resources, which negatively affects production quality. Journalists lack knowledge about the Law of Access to Public Information and make few requests for information on sensitive state issues such as corruption. Given that journalists can play a central role in acting as watchdogs and stimulating public debate, it is essential to promote access to public information. This project shall therefore work with journalists and lawyers to develop a special programme for requesting the...