Since the 90s, the political situation in Côte d'Ivoire has been particularly unsettled. And unfortunately, with each crisis, journalists have always been singled out as targets. Underlying these assaults on Ivorian journalists' and media professionals' physical and moral integrity is the widely held view that journalists do not always exercise their profession in a professional manner. According to a number of observers, this is due to a lack of knowledge, on the part of journalists, of the rules of their profession and the legislative and regulatory frameworks governing the media and...
Countries: Côte d'Ivoire
Depuis 1990, les périodes d’élection en Côte d’Ivoire, comme en témoigne l’élection présidentielle de 2010, constituent des moments d’extrêmes tensions, de violence et de conflits armés dont les victimes se comptent souvent par milliers. Les faits de violence constatés pendant ces périodes sont largement imputables aux politiques qui manipulent leurs militants et les populations. Mais, il est indéniable que les médias jouent un rôle important dans l’amplification de ces crises, de par leur inféodation, pour la plupart, aux politiques dont ils se font l’écho des discours incendiaires ou à...
The proliferation of media is not uniformly accessible throughout the country. In fact, the audiovisual space is marked by a decrease in coverage from the South towards the North. The Zanzan region in the north-east of the country is affected by that access disparity. To remedy the lack of infrastructure, Radio Boutourou was set up under the UNESCO-MAB project. The project falls within the framework of building the management capacities of the Comoé Biosphere Reserve by facilitating communication between management and the population. Since the inauguration of the station in May 2007,...
With support from the IPDC, the Agency was able to computerize its editorial office in 2001. Each regional office is also equipped with a micro-computer, a modem and a UPS. Thanks to this computerisation programme, the Agency been able to triple its daily production (some 40 to 50 dispatches a day). Dispatches, however, are devoid of illustrations, which would generate more interest on the part of the readership. Traditionally, a press agency's output consists of dispatches. Today, however, the enormous progress in new information technologies and the increasing needs of customers call for...
This project's objectives seek to create favourable conditions for the emergence of a free press and to contribute to promoting professionalism, responsibility and the mastery of legal texts governing media practice in Côte d'Ivoire.
The objective of this project was to increase the news gathering and dissemination process of the Agence Ivoirienne de Presse (AIP). The equipment component of the project sought to enhance the capacity of the Agency by offering its provincial offices the means to gather news and dispatch it to the Central desk at Abidjan.
Implemented over the period 1998-2003.
Implemented over the period 1996-2000.
Implemented over the period 1994-1998.
Implemented over the period 1990-1992.