The Vuelan las Plumas platform seeks to become an example of quality cultural journalism whose content production can be taken advantage of by many other media and forms of communication.
The creation of content requires a professional team with the capacities to develop quality programs and interviews. Vuelan las Plumas consists in generating and broadcasting live via radio and TV, and then uploading the content produced to the website to be downloaded by other communications media professionals and the wider public. To achieve this, capacity building is essential. ...
Countries: Chile
Research conducted by the University of Chile has revealed that the country has both direct and indirect restrictions on freedom of expression, and that it lacks a national monitoring system to evaluate these issues. This project will address this problem by providing training to 130 Chilean media professionals (including journalists, academics and students) on the monitoring and follow-up of issues relating to freedom of expression and the application of laws on access to information. This capacity building effort will help to create a network for cooperation among stakeholders which will...
The Chilean mass media, and particularly radio broadcasting stations, are well developed and perhaps exist in sufficient number to allow community members to have several options to choose from. However, they are almost all of regional or national reach and therefore not very useful for those who live and work in rural areas, because they do not correspond to the local reality and needs. These regional and national radios are mainly used to listen to music in those areas. The borough of Romeral although near to the provincial capital Curicó, consists of 71% rural area. Therefore local...
'El Ciudadano' (Centro Cultural Ciudadanos en Acción), an innovative dual media enterprise, leads the fundamental change in the way the news are presented, created and produced by combining printed media with an Internet-based platform, and structures its development on local civil society management. 'El Ciudadano' and its dual media model offer multiple possibilities to give voice to the most marginalized groups through their own spaces that not only reflect the civil society's needs, achievements and interests, but also respects our cultural diversity. As such, 'El Ciudadano' can easily...
This project provided support for training in radio station management, production techniques and programming content development to the community radio station on Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui. The project also provided some equipment. This project was carried out jointly with Radio Nederland, which provided some technical and financial support.
Period: 1996-1998
Training of teaching staff in methodologies applied to media-related education, especially in the context of 'reactive' television workshops, with a view to ensure that through a systematic effort these activities become an integral and permanent part of the school system. It should be pointed out that the concept of using the media as an educational tool has only recently been made possible in the wake of changes in Chile's political climate over the past decade.
Period: 1988-1991