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Justice, Access to Public Information and freedom of expression

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$14 825.00

The objectives of this project are:

A. To contribute in the creation of tools for updating and training members of the judiciary in the thematic project.

B. To promote the application of international human rights law and international standards on freedom of expression and access to public information by the judiciary.

C. To improve the justice system's response to threats to freedom of expression and the right of access to public information.

D. To contribute to the creation of conditions that will strengthen the justice system as a guarantor of freedom of expression and right to information.

E. To facilitate access to technical resources to resolve cases.

F. To facilitate access to training for judges in the Uruguayan countryside.

G. To foster positive interactions between the Judiciary, civil society organizations and journalists by contributing to maintaining open channels of dialogue and the sharing of experiences.

Full project description: 
Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Donor country:

Beneficiary name: 
Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública
Beneficiary address: 
Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Información Pública San José 1330 (Montevideo-Uruguay)

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary phone: 
(5982) 901215
Location and contacts
Project place: 