Strengthening the capacity of the members of the Organisation for the Freedom of Information and Expression (OFIE)
Since the beginning of the Moroccan protests in February 2011, in which citizens took to the streets to demand genuine democratic reform and respect for human rights, numerous protesters have been attacked by law enforcement officials. Likewise, a large number of media professionals, both Moroccan and foreign, have suffered and continue to suffer from the violent reactions of a regime that practises information control. Since its creation in 2010, OFIE has been aware of a large number of cases and has received complaints from numerous victims. However, it often finds itself faced with a lack of capacity and appropriate mechanisms to take action. This project will therefore train 24 OFIE members on the right to information and on observation, collection, monitoring and advocacy techniques against violations of the right to freedom of expression.
Between 30 January and 1 February 2015, the IMDH organised a three-day training event in Tanger for 26 of its members. A collection of legal and regulatory texts concerning the media was developed establishing journalists' rights and obligations regarding ethics. This document was used as the basis for the training event, in which participants familiarised themselves with issues of journalists' rights and the tools that exist for monitoring human rights violations. As a result of the training, OLIE members have implemented a monitoring device that allows them to report annually on the status of violations of press freedom in Morocco. The project was efficiently implemented, with the workshop being conducted with just half of the allocated funds. Moreover, OLIE has joined with other NGOs to create the Observatory of Violations of Press Freedom in Morocco as well as a website dedicated to this vast network of any misconduct, after verification of the veracity of reported cases. The results exceeded expectations.
Entre le 30 janvier et le 1 février 2015, L'IMDH a organisé une formation de trois jours à Tanger pour 26 de ses membres. Un recueil de textes juridiques et règlementaires relatifs aux médias a été élaboré afin de régir les droits et obligations des journalistes sur la déontologie. Ce document a servi de base dans le cadre de la formation organisée à Tanger. Les participants ont ainsi pu se familiariser avec les questions relatives aux droits des journalistes ainsi que les outils de suivi des violations de ces droits. Par conséquent, les membres d’OLIE ont mis en place un véritable dispositif de surveillance qui leur permet d’établir un rapport annuel sur l’état des violations de la liberté de la presse au Maroc. Le projet a été mis en œuvre avec une grande efficacité étant donné que le bénéficiaire a réalisé l’atelier avec la moitié des fonds alloués. Par ailleurs, OLIE s’est associé avec d’autres ONG pour créer l’observatoire des violations à la liberté de la presse au Maroc et un site internet dédié permettant à ce vaste réseau de signaler tout manquement, après une vérification de la véracité des cas rapportés. Les résultats ont dépassé les attentes.