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Asis Goswami

Chairholder, UNESCO Chair “Inclusive Adapted Physical Education and Yoga” and a Dean of faculty of General and Adapted Physical Education and Yoga

Ashutosh Chadha

Director, Corporate Affairs South Asia, Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd.

Ashish Kumar Mukherjee

Vice President - Asia Pacific, Rehabilitation International and Director General, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, India

Armoogum Parsuramen

Founder-President, Global Rainbow Foundation, Mauritius

Anuradha Dalmia

Director of the National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH), India

Anup Das

Centre for Studies in Science Policy, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Antônio José do Nascimento Ferreira

National Secretary for the Rights of the Person with Disabilities, Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil

Anna Maria Cetto

Research Professor, Instituto de Física, UNAM, Mexico

Anirban Sarma

National Officer, UNESCO Office in New Delhi

Anil Joshi

Program Director, Human Ability & Accessibility, IBM Research Lab, India

Andrew Taussig

Former Trustee, The International Institute of Communications, UK

Anand G. Dhuri

Indian Subcontinent Director, Scytl