The 16th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia will bring information technology and multimedia specialist together with leaders in Art, Science and Heritage to explore creative solutions to 21st Century challenges.

The Conference themes include:
  • Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality,
  • Virtual Heritage, 
  • TransMedia Science and Arts,
  • Entertainment and Education,
  • Human Factors, and
  • Media Art, Science and Technology

To be held October 20-23, 2010 at the COEX Centre in Seoul, Korea, VSMM 2010 is hosted by the Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, with sponsorship from the Korean Multimedia Society, the Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Human Computer Interaction Korea, the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, the KAIST Microsoft Research Collaboration Center, and the Virtual Reality Society of Japan.

Conference Committee

Honorary Chairs

Lewis Lancaster: Executive Director, ECAI (Electronic Culture Atlas Initiative); Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley

Jeffrey Shaw: Founding Director, ZKM Institute of Visual Media; Director of i-Cinema UNSW, Sydney; Dean of the School of Creative Media, City Univ. of Hong Kong

Lizbeth Goodman:  Chair of Creative Technology Innovation; Director, SMARTlab Digital Media Institute & MAGIC Gamelab University of East London 

General Chairs

Hyun Seung Yang: Dean of Research KAIST; Director of KAIST-Microsoft Research Collaboration Center (KMCC)

Alonzo C. Addison: Special Advisor, UNESCO World Heritage Centre; Vice President, ICOMOS ICIP

Michitaka Hirose: Professor, the Univ. of Tokyo; Vice President, VR Society of Japan 

Organizing Chairs

Harold Thwaites: President, Int’l Society on VSMM; Dean, Faculty of Creative Multimedia; Chair, Center for VR & Immersive Technology, Multimedia Univ. Malaysia

Hideo Saito: Professor,  Keio Univ.; General Co-Chair of ICAT2006, ICAT2008 (Int’l Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence)

Myung Joon Kim: Senior Vice President, ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute)

Program Chairs

Kiyoharu Aizawa: Professor, the Univ. of Tokyo

Fabio Remondino: Research Scientist, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Workshop Chair

Mario Santana: Executive Officer, VSMM Society; Assistant Professor, KU Leuven and UPenn Media Art and Design Chairs:

Christa Sommerer: Professor, Institute for Media University of Art and Design Linz

Masayuki Akamatsu: Professor, IAMAS                        

Seungho Park: Professor, Ewha University

Papers, Workshop & Tutorial Proposal Submission Guidelines
VSMM 2010 will cover not only technical but also artistic, empirical and theoretical issues regarding TransMedia practices and we invite submissions of

  l. Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

  2. Full Papers (not exceeding 8 pages)

  3. Short Papers (not exceeding 4 pages)

  4. Posters (not exceeding 2 pages)

All accepted peer-reviewed papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings (IEEE) and available at the conference. Please use the IEEE format for your paper.  A special issue with the top 6-8 long papers will be published in the International Journal.

All Workshop and Tutorial proposals must include the organizer/lecturer’s name,

affiliation, mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address together with  title, objective, contents, number of speakers, and expected number of participants.

Workshop and Tutorial proposals must be submitted to

All Paper submissions must include the author's name(s), affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address.  Papers should be submitted through the automated EasyChair system at either in PostScript or PDF format

Important Dates

Deadline for Tutorial & Workshop Proposal Submission 15 May 2010 

Deadline for Full and Short Paper Submissions 26 May 2010

Notification of Acceptance for Full and Short Paper Submissions 18 June 2010

Deadline for Poster and Demo Submissions 5 July 2010

Notification of Acceptance for Poster and Demo Submissions 15 July 2010    

Camera Ready Copy 15 August 2010

Feel free to broadcast this information and to encourage people to submit papers, posters, workshop & tutorial proposals to VSMM 2010. You can submit, check and update your data at the following

On Behalf of Organizing Committee of VSMM 2010

Hyun Seung YANG (KAIST), Alonzo Addison (UNESCO), Michitaka Hirose (Univ. of Tokyo)

VSMM Society

Honorary President,Takeo Ojika

President, Harold Thwaites, Multimedia University Malaysia

Vice President, Alonzo C. Addison, UNESCO World Heritage Center

Executive Officer, Mario Santana, KU Leuven and Upenn

Attached file: VSMM2010-CFP-20100218.docx