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UNESCO field offices: Rabat

Three, 3-day training workshops, organized by the Mauritania Syndicate of Independent Journalists (SJIM) to strengthen editorial skills among independent journalists. The list of participants in each workshop, as well as the list of speakers and the detailed program, will be submitted to the UNESCO office in Rabat 15 days before the date of each activity.

The immediate objective is to support 25 illiterate women from the South-East region of Tunisia in their contribution to local development by heightening the visibility of their projects.

The Ecole Nationale d’Administration was established in 1966 to train senior-level Mauritanian government officials, and in this capacity it was entrusted with the task of setting up the Journalism Institute. Since 2011, the Institute has been offering an initial training programme in journalism as well as an ongoing training programme for practising journalists. Since then, it has been operating under the name Ecole nationale d’administration, du journalisme et de la magistrature (ENAJM) (National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy). This project provides for a training...

Since the beginning of the Moroccan protests in February 2011, in which citizens took to the streets to demand genuine democratic reform and respect for human rights, numerous protesters have been attacked by law enforcement officials. Likewise, a large number of media professionals, both Moroccan and foreign, have suffered and continue to suffer from the violent reactions of a regime that practises information control. Since its creation in 2010, OFIE has been aware of a large number of cases and has received complaints from numerous victims. However, it often finds itself faced with a...

The post-revolution media sector in Tunisia has entered an uncertain stage, characterised by a lack of clear regulation and confusion about ethical standards. Most media professionals do not differentiate between criticism and defamation, while some managers incite their employees to go beyond ethical limits in order to increase audience size. Unfortunately, there is no press council to ensure self-regulation. The unethical behaviour of Tunisian media workers leads to distrust amongst ordinary citizens for mainstream media.
To address this issue, the Tunis Centre for Press...

At a time when Algerian universities are training thousands of students in information and communication sciences, the media sector has flourished in terms of job opportunities. However, both private and public print-media companies have been reluctant in opening their doors to graduates. Many French-language newspapers are instead turning to graduates of the natural sciences and foreign languages. It is for this reason that the Ecole nationale supérieure de journalisme et des sciences de l’information (ENSJSI) has decided to propose a course aimed at re-training scientists, economists and...

La presse écrite indépendante en Algérie est née en 1990, dans des conditions difficiles. Plus de 100 journalistes ont été assassinés au début des années ‘90 et d’autres ont été emprisonnés. Aujourd’hui, il existe plus de 80 quotidiens dans les deux langues, arabe et français. Plusieurs quotidiens réalisent des tirages très importants, dépassant les 100 000 exemplaires/jour. 90% des journalistes travaillant dans ces médias ont moins de 45 ans et ne bénéficient pas de cycles de formation continue ou de perfectionnement.

Bien que l’on puisse considérer la presse algérienne comme...

Au Maroc, la réforme de l’audiovisuel engagée en 2004, n’a pas débouché sur le pluralisme médiatique escompté : le paysage audiovisuel demeure à ce jour restreint aux médias du pôle public et aux médias privés à caractère commercial. La suppression du monopôle de l'Etat en matière de radiodiffusion et la création de la Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA), n’ont pas abouti à un cadre juridique garantissant la liberté d’expression et le pluralisme et la loi en vigueur ne prévoit pas l’attribution de licence pour opérer des médias audiovisuels à caractère associatif ou...

Malgré l’existence d’un environnement médiatique plutôt favorable depuis les élections en 2009 qui ont marqué le retour de la Mauritanie à un ordre constitutionnel, l’absence de structure locale de formation de journalistes, l’accès difficile et le nombre réduit de formations à l’étranger ont constitué jusqu’ici des obstacles à une formation adaptée aux besoins des professionnels des médias. L’Ecole Nationale d’Administration, créée en 1966 pour former les hauts fonctionnaires de l’Etat mauritanien, s’est ainsi vu confier la mission de créer un institut de journalisme. Depuis fin mars 2010...


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