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IPDC Project scope: Interregional

The killings of journalists and the level of impunity for such crimes is a persistent problem. Between 2006-2013 593 journalists were killed and the current level of impunity, based on states’ responses to UNESCO, is 93.3% (UNESCO’s DG’s report to IPDC, November 2014). This problem is widely recognised amongst IGOs, NGOs and the media community and has become a priority agenda item for the UN. The UN has developed a ‘Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity’ in 2012 in an attempt to combat, crimes against journalists and impunity and ultimately to ensure...

 In this project CFOM will interview news editors/senior journalists of news organisations (see C Additional Information below) in six countries where press freedom is constrained and where editors could therefore be expected to have a greater interest in combating threats to journalists and ensuring safe reporting than in countries where the press is relatively free and journalists generally operate in a safe environment. These countries are Pakistan, Mexico, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Turkey, India and Bulgaria. The interviews will focus on editors/senior journalists’ news...

This project aims to address some of the objectives of the UN draft Plan of Action arising from the UN Inter-Agency meeting on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, particularly the dissemination of a best practices guide on the safety of journalists as well as the training of journalists. By working with expert contacts in the safety field and drawing on its own experience, the International News Safety Institute (INSI) aims to reach at least 2,000 journalists and media workers, in addition to governments and military across the world, with this comprehensive reference...

An estimated 75 per cent of the world's population lives under serious restrictions on free expression and the mass media. While there are improvements in press freedom in some countries, problems can arise in others, so groups must constantly be vigilant in monitoring press freedom conditions. In its development, IFEX has had its challenges most notably in confronting the widening digital divide. While many IFEX members based in the North have implemented highly sophisticated campaigns and communications strategies using ICT, many members based in developing countries or countries in...

The objective of this project was to establish a network of trainers and curriculum developers, to catalyse the work of member institutions and the creation of innovative curricula and course materials through regional activities, website development and academic cooperation.

In view of reinforcing IFEX in the developing world, the objective of this project was to: Provide personalized hands-on instruction for developing country groups in the use of new communications technologies, such as identifying and using reliable computer systems, installing and using electronic mail, and taking advantage of the many services available through the Internet; Expand the IFEX Internet site (the most comprehensive site of its kind in the world) making it more easily accessible to thousands of organizations and the general public throughout the developing world by making...


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