The purpose of this project is to promote local capacity building in safety and protection of journalists by reinforcing the existing monitoring network of the Swaziland Union of Journalists and Swaziland Editors’ Forum with a 3-day national seminar and creating social media tools for online safety monitoring and reporting. The proposed training will use the UNESCO produced “Model Curricula for Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi”, which incorporates a module on safety and journalism. Under this module, the workshop content will be drawn from “Unit1” - Rights and legal...
IPDC Project beneficiary type: Journalists' unions
This project proposes a training workshop targeting 20 managers and content producers from 5 community radio initiatives. The proposed training will run for 2 days and will focus on the UNESCO produced toolkit on “Linking Generations through Radio”. The raining will be conducted in collaboration with a consultant radio producer in Zimbabwe and will be hosted in one of the community radio initiatives. This training is essential because ZACRAS members are already producing content from their communities which they package in CDs for distribution. The managers and content producers require...
Provide 20 female members of the Association des femmes comoriennes de la presse (AFCP) with a 1-week course on the production of news reports and on conducting media interviews so that, on completion, they will be able to perform their jobs in their respective media houses in full knowledge of the rules applicable to news processing while adhering to the ethical principles and values of the profession.
The project will target 80 practicing journalists comprising of radio managers, citizen journalists, radio presenters and talkshow hosts from Gulu, Lira, Kitgum, Soroti and Arua districts. Participants attending the training will comprise of 50% women and 50% males.The project will contribute to promoting good governance and transparency by building professional capacities in peace journalism in Uganda.
Provide skills and knowledge in peace journalism to 80 journalists (50% men and 50% women) working in media houses in Gulu, Kitgum, Lira, Soroti and Arua districts in...
Drawing from Media Development Indicators’ Category 3 (indicators 3.2 and 3.11) and from all indicators included in Category B1of the Gender-Sensitive Media Indicators, the project aims to study the prevailing approach to gender and social diversity in the discourse on local development broadcasted by provincial and municipal radios stations in Las Tunas province. It also intends to characterize the participation of women and disadvantaged groups in communicative production and to describe the main perceptions showed by audiences regarding the portrayal of this topic on radio...
Three, 3-day training workshops, organized by the Mauritania Syndicate of Independent Journalists (SJIM) to strengthen editorial skills among independent journalists. The list of participants in each workshop, as well as the list of speakers and the detailed program, will be submitted to the UNESCO office in Rabat 15 days before the date of each activity.
The project will contribute to the promotion of freedom of expression, opinion and information in Pakistan by providing safety and security training to journalists and media professionals in conflict riddled Balochistan, Southern Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan., PPF will pay special attention to provide safety training to provincial journalists working in geographical areas where professional journalism training is weak, helping them to reduce the risks under which they work and to work more safely.
Development Communication Society Nepal (SODEC-Nepal) intends to analyze the causes and consequences of impunity with in-depth analysis of the 35 cases of murdered journalists and the 4 missing journalists. It is anticipated that that this study will pressurize the government and state agencies to take the necessary legal steps to provide justice to the families of the
The proposed project, Gender and Diversity Media Policy Toolkit, will promote the success stories in diversity and inclusion media management and guide media organisations across continents to implement tried and tested tools for successful gender equality policies in media.
The Press Union of Liberia proposes that this project should benefit 25 journalists working with Community Radio stations in 5 counties in the rural parts of Liberia. The stations will themselves receive equipment that will strengthen their capacity to cover Ebola and other health challenges