Creating safety mechanisms for journalists in Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, journalists take professional risks in the process of collecting and disseminating news and information. The risks become higher when the country is experiencing conflict, journalists become a target. As one media analyst observed, conflict and post-conflict areas in Africa are very dangerous for journalists. Safety issues rank high and journalists have fallen into trouble because of the existence of restrictive media laws. In some instances, journalists have themselves been reckless by not fully familiarising themselves on the full implications of existing laws. The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) has noted with concern that some journalists have a very weak appreciation of the media laws under which they operate. This knowledge gap exposes them to even greater danger.
In view of the above, ZUJ will train journalists to ensure that they are adequately informed about their legal matters as well as receiving practical skills such as first aid, health and defense driving. This will help to ensure that with informed journalists, safety nets can be developed premised on professionals who fully understand the legal operating environment. Secondly and more critically, Journalists need the safety net guaranteed by a media lawyers’ network. The network will ensure that journalists will be daring the authority in pursuit of news knowing fully well that they will be legally covered.