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Effective media coverage of the impacts of climate change

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$5 500.00

One of the major resolutions of Zimbabwe’s 2012 Media Stakeholders Conference was the need for the media to play a central role in promoting awareness about, and responses to, climate change. A lack of journalists trained to understand climate and environmental issues has resulted in minimal reporting on climate change and a lack of sufficient information to promote public efforts of mitigation and adaptation.
This project will address the need to educate Zimbabwean journalists on climate change by training a group to report on weather, agro-economics and tourism news as well as environmental and humanitarian crises. 

Full project description: 
Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:


Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Media Alliance Zimbabwe (MAZ)
Beneficiary description: 

The Media Alliance of Zimbabwe was established in 2004 and consists of the Zimbabwe Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA-Zimbabwe), the Media Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe (MMPZ), the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), the Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum (ZINEF), The Africa Community Publishing Development Trust (ACPDT), and the Federation of African Media Women Zimbabwe (FAMWZ). MAZ was created to coordinate activities around media support and related advocacy work seeking a media environment that is conducive for information exchange, while maintaining the independence of its members. MAZ aims to provide a platform for media support groups to project a unified voice on media issues in the country. The MAZ Secretariat is run by the MAZ Coordinator but works in consultation with MAZ partners, therefore tapping into the requisite skills and expertise within member organizations. In terms of administration, since MAZ is not a registered legal entity and cannot open its own bank account, MMPZ undertakes all administrative work of MAZ and its partners provide office space on a rotational basis. All MAZ funds are deposited into the MMPZ bank account and then dispatched to MAZ as and when they are needed. Although MAZ applies for its own funding, MMPZ administers these funds.

Beneficiary country:

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Location and contacts

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 

Patience Zirima, Coordinator maz@misazim.co.zw

Project place: 
Harare, Zimbabwe

Project region:

Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

Forty journalists and media practitioners (7 of which were women) drawn from the print and electronic media outlets across Zimbabwe benefited from two climate change training workshops held in Harare and Bulawayo. Participants included editors, bureau chiefs, reporters, producers and presenters. The climate change training sought to raise awareness levels of the media in reporting climate change, causes, effects/impact and surrounding issues, with the goal of sensitizing them on the need to report extensively and intensively on the global phenomena. Moreover, the workshops equipped the media professionals with information and knowledge to understand the science and facts around climate change with a view to demystify public perceptions on the issue. Training focused on the production of news, stories, pictures, audio/video programmes for newspapers/magazines, TV, radio and the Internet. Content was adapted from the following UNESCO’s publications: “Media as Partners in Education for Sustainable Development: A Training and Resource Kit” and “Reporting on Climate Change in Africa: A Practical Guide for Journalists”. As a result of this project, there has been an increase of media reports on climate change on radio and print media in Zimbabwe.