This project proposes a training workshop targeting 20 managers and content producers from 5 community radio initiatives. The proposed training will run for 2 days and will focus on the UNESCO produced toolkit on “Linking Generations through Radio”. The raining will be conducted in collaboration with a consultant radio producer in Zimbabwe and will be hosted in one of the community radio initiatives. This training is essential because ZACRAS members are already producing content from their communities which they package in CDs for distribution. The managers and content producers require...
IPDC Project beneficiary type: State institutions (other than state radio and TV)
Development Communication Society Nepal (SODEC-Nepal) intends to analyze the causes and consequences of impunity with in-depth analysis of the 35 cases of murdered journalists and the 4 missing journalists. It is anticipated that that this study will pressurize the government and state agencies to take the necessary legal steps to provide justice to the families of the
The objectives of this project are:
A. To contribute in the creation of tools for updating and training members of the judiciary in the thematic project.
B. To promote the application of international human rights law and international standards on freedom of expression and access to public information by the judiciary.
C. To improve the justice system's response to threats to freedom of expression and the right of access to public information.
D. To contribute to the creation of conditions that will strengthen the justice system as a guarantor of freedom of...
Although the media in Rwanda is developing fast, professional standards and product quality are not. Journalists lack the training required to carry out investigative journalism and instead focus on topics such as entertainment, sports and event reporting. A 2013 report by the Media High Council of Rwanda (MHC) highlighted journalists' overreliance on the voices of leaders (49%) to the detriment of other citizens (10%), in particular the police (6%) and other anti-corruption/crime bodies (3%). As such, one of the report's recommendations is for media practitioners to be trained in...
As a landlocked country with sometimes-inaccessible mountainous terrain, a scattered population and marked urban-rural inequalities, Bhutan would benefit significantly from community media. A UNESCO-commissioned feasibility study conducted in 2013 found a clear consensus among different stakeholders (including government officials) that commmunity radio (CR) would deepen and accelerate development in Bhutan. The report therefore asserted that a CR policy should be created. Other key recommendations included building the capacities of potential CR personnel, piloting three community radio...
In the the Republic of Congo, freedom of the press is guaranteed by several laws. While the existing regulatory framework has encouraged the emergence of a multiplicity of media organs, insufficiencies still exist where the training of journalists and media professionals is concerned. In Congo, the main body involved in the training of journalists and media professionals is the Département des sciences et techniques de la communication (DSTC - Department of Communication Sciences and Technology) at the Marien-Ngouabi University in Brazzaville. Although the department has existed since 1980...
As a society it is essential to recognize and contribute towards the respect of indigenous peoples’ human rights. The universal values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, respect for others, and respect for cultures and languages, are essential in the safeguarding of respectful relations between human beings, communities and societies, and in order to address this issue it is important to first look at the sociocultural diversity of a country.
This project will focus on alternative methods of communication, to enable participants to develop...
State-run radio and television services play an important role in the peace consolidation process in post-conflict countries, and especially in a country like the Central African Republic, which is very large but sparsely populated. In the course of various conflicts, much of the Radio and Television Service's production and broadcasting equipment and its archives have been destroyed, thereby aggravating the information deficit. It is essential that the Central African Radio and Television Service be rehabilitated so that it can pursue its mission of propmoting social, economic, and...
The media have a fundamental role to play in building peace, intercultural dialogue and diversity. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles preventing the media from realizing this potential of facilitating mutual knowledge and understanding among neighbouring peoples. One central factor is that a majority of media in the region are linked to entrenched political and economic interests, and thus very rarely report on the interests and viewpoints of marginalized groups. There is a serious deficit in terms of plurality and diversity in international media content that negatively affects...
A panel of African experts under the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the African Union (AU) has underlined the need to raise awareness on biotechnology as a means of encouraging freedom to innovate in the African context. Media coverage of biotechnology and biofuels in particular is fraught with sensationalism, trivialisation, inaccurate reporting, misuse of terminologies; and incomplete coverage of issues. The situation is compounded by the many communication actors with vested interests and strongly held views. Whereas informal training of journalists through short-...