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IPDC Project beneficiary type: Other

Implemented over the period 1985-1989

Period: 1985-1988

This project presents quite a distinctive structure in that, given the extent of the task, it was spread over several years. It involved creating the Pan-African News Agency (PANA) then restructuring it, as recommended by OAU with UNESCO backing, the aim being to allow Africa to play its rightful part in the new world information and communication order.

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) emerged as a professional body representing the interest of journalists since 1949. GJA is on eof the most important civil society organizations in Ghana and a strong advocate of press freedom and freedom of expression. GJA plans to conduct ICT workshops for journalists, to enchance the performance of media professional by ICT use and to increase the number of journalists capable of employing ICTs in their work. The workshops will take place over two week periods for individual groups of 40 covering a total period of 8 weels. An interactive training...


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