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The conclusion many researchers have drawn is that (for the most part) the media relegate women to marginality, silence or absence. It has been revealed to several field studies and media conferences that there are certain obvious obstacles to women's access to various communication and information sources, particularly in Upper Egypt. These include poverty, illiteracy, low levels of education and lack of time. National and local conferences about mass-media confirmed that journalists in Upper Egypt, and especially women, are in dire need for consistent systems of scientific knowledge...

Depuis 1990, le Tchad est engagé dans un processus de démocratisation de sa vie publique. Ce processus se poursuit actuellement non sans soubresauts, à la lumière des différents événements politiques, économiques et sociaux qui ponctuent le rythme de cette évolution. Les médias, malgré leur situation précaire se trouvent parmi les acteurs identifiés comme devant jouer un rôle primordial dans développement intégral et durable du pays. Toutefois, les questions relatives au développement, telles que les changements climatiques, ne reçoivent généralement pas de la part des médias toute l’...

During the first six months of 2012, the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) monitored 102 violations against journalists and media outlets, of which 34 were physical attacks. In addition, over the past decade, IOF have killed 20 journalists during while they were covering various events in Palestine. Media departments at the Palestinian universities are contributing to the current situation in two ways: curricula do not include courses about local media laws or international conventions, legal standards and resolutions related to journalism. Therefore, journalists...

Au Maroc, la réforme de l’audiovisuel engagée en 2004, n’a pas débouché sur le pluralisme médiatique escompté : le paysage audiovisuel demeure à ce jour restreint aux médias du pôle public et aux médias privés à caractère commercial. La suppression du monopôle de l'Etat en matière de radiodiffusion et la création de la Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA), n’ont pas abouti à un cadre juridique garantissant la liberté d’expression et le pluralisme et la loi en vigueur ne prévoit pas l’attribution de licence pour opérer des médias audiovisuels à caractère associatif ou...

Many countries in the Asia-Pacific Region present serious concerns in gender imbalances and inequities in employment opportunities, female participation and the portrayal of women and girls. This project designed in line with The Beijing Platform for Action for Equality, Development and Peace, which places specific obligations on the media, both in the way women participate and in how they are portrayed and has objectives that require signatory nations and their citizens to ‘increase the participation and access of women to expression and decision-making in and through the media and new...

Malgré l’existence d’un environnement médiatique plutôt favorable depuis les élections en 2009 qui ont marqué le retour de la Mauritanie à un ordre constitutionnel, l’absence de structure locale de formation de journalistes, l’accès difficile et le nombre réduit de formations à l’étranger ont constitué jusqu’ici des obstacles à une formation adaptée aux besoins des professionnels des médias. L’Ecole Nationale d’Administration, créée en 1966 pour former les hauts fonctionnaires de l’Etat mauritanien, s’est ainsi vu confier la mission de créer un institut de journalisme. Depuis fin mars 2010...

Although provincial radio stations exist in more than ten provinces in Cambodia, most of their main contents or programs are the relayed programs from the Radio Nationale Kampuchea (RNK) in Phnom Penh. Therefore, most of the programs do not serve the needs of the community people since the information needed by provincial people are different geographically. It is important that community people who are the target listeners of those provincial radios get the most from the local programs. Provincial radio stations generally lack professional capacities of media workers / program producers...

Myanmar, a developing and war-torn country, is currently undertaking a comprehensive democratic reform process initiated with the appointment of a civilian government in March 2011, which continued with the parliamentary election held in April 2012. The transformation towards a democratic setting is also involving the media sector, for which the Government has embarked into a substantial legal reform and announced that it will take necessary measures to enable a free, pluralist, professional and diverse media to flourish. In this context, during the International Conference on Media...

The safety of journalists is not only about physical wellbeing. Safety extends to protection against impending psychological injury resulting from exposure to violence, conflict, disaster and tragedy. Both psychological safety and physical safety are inextricably linked. Research shows¹ that people who experience psychological trauma may have impaired decision making processes and take more physical risks than non trauma affected persons. Further studies show that people who are educated about ‘emotional (trauma) literacy’ are able to change their behavior and understand the emotional...

China is a country with numerous ethnic minorities. The Chinese government has paid attention to the development of the broadcasting and television industry in the minority areas. In 2011, the coverage rate of broadcasting and TV in these areas has reached 98%. Yunnan province has inhabitants altogether from 26 distinct minorities living in eight autonomous prefectures. Each prefecture has its own TV station. In the past, these TV stations have gradually developed from relaying the programs produced non-locally by CCTV and by the main provincial TV station of Yunnan, to producing content...


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