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Strengthening miners’ radios in Bolivia

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$16 000.00

Since the creation of Radio La Voz del Minero in 1947, Bolivia’s miners’ radio stations have acted as important spaces for public participation, the defence of miners’ rights as well as for cultural and educational activities. Today, however, many of these stations lack communicators and producers. This project seeks to improve the management capacities of members of miners' radio stations by supporting training sessions concerning radio programming, production, management and funding as well as relevant legal knowledge, based on the recommendations from UNESCO’s Community Radio Handbook

Full project description: 
Full implementation report: 
Project details
Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
SECRAD (Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y Televisión para el Desarrollo) de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”
Beneficiary description: 

The Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y Televisión para el Desarrollo (SECRAD) is a research institute in social communication of the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" (La Paz) satisfying social interaction activities, and offering community services: of training human resources in radio production, television and alternative media, consulting and implementation of communication strategies and initiatives for educational and social development, production of educational materials and public awareness, and, research and promotion of social communication practices and media usage for the exercise of the right to communication. Launched with the support of UNESCO's IPDC Programme in 1986, it has over 25 years of experience promoting communication for social change throughout Bolivia. The SECRAD’s mission is to enhance the communication capabilities of the actors in the community to promote a dialogic relationship to the building of democracy. The SECRAD has expertise in areas such as inclusive communication for people with disabilities, community communication and alternative media, intercultural communication and educational media for social change. The SECRAD received IPDC support to encourage development and community broadcasting services in Bolivia through a Provincial Radio Training Program executed on 2000 and the project of Community Television TV-COM 2005.

Beneficiary address: 
Av. Hernando Siles No. 4737, esq. calle 2 de Obrajes, La Paz, Bolivia. Casilla de Correo 4805.
Beneficiary phone: 
Location and contacts

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 

José Luis Aguirre Alvis Director del SECRAD: secrad@ucb.edu.bo

Project place: 
Oruro, Potosí y La Paz (Bolivia)
Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The execution of this project was delayed due to administrative issues associated with changes in the Terms of Reference and bank data. Following up on agreements with counter-parties, schedules of the Terms of Reference have been modified to guarantee smooth project implementation, quick response time in administrative procedures and comply with the agreements made. The counter-party presented the first deliverable scheduled in the Terms of Reference, which include the execution schedule and budget distribution for activities.