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IPDC Project scope: National

The purpose of this project is to promote local capacity building in safety and protection of journalists by reinforcing the existing monitoring network of the Swaziland Union of Journalists and Swaziland Editors’ Forum with a 3-day national seminar and creating social media tools for online safety monitoring and reporting. The proposed training will use the UNESCO produced “Model Curricula for Journalism Education: A Compendium of New Syllabi”, which incorporates a module on safety and journalism. Under this module, the workshop content will  be drawn from “Unit1” - Rights and legal...

There are approximately 26 radio stations currently operating in Jamaica. Of this amount the vast majority are commercial entities focused on pop culture and headline news content. Less than ten are community broadcasters and even so, they are struggling to meet basic bills for light and equipment let alone investments in content development and capacity development. Whereas these stations are hugely popular in their communities, their lack of broadcast skills and capacity, prevents them from providing the communication support for community development required by their citizens.

The project will contribute to the promotion of freedom of expression, opinion and information in Pakistan by providing safety and security training to journalists and media professionals in conflict riddled Balochistan, Southern Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan., PPF will pay special attention to provide safety training to provincial journalists working in geographical areas where professional journalism training is weak, helping them to reduce the risks under which they work and to work more safely.

The South Caucasus is comprised of three diverse countries, each facing different challenges becoming democratic and open societies where political processes represent the needs of constituents. The media in this region is largely limited to the traditional forms of print, TV, and radio. Because media organizations rely on these models that are no longer sustainable because of the internet and technology, they are susceptible to the financial control and bias of political parties and special interest groups, which in turn influences the content and quality of their journalism. Audiences in...

Development Communication Society Nepal (SODEC-Nepal) intends to analyze the causes and consequences of impunity with in-depth analysis of the 35 cases of murdered journalists and the 4 missing journalists. It is anticipated that that this study will pressurize the government and state agencies to take the necessary legal steps to provide justice to the families of the

Women's voices are essential to the development of societies. In order to strengthen women’s voices, women have to be present in making the news and entertainment. Gender equality within media organizations have to be fostered and supported proactively. Balanced gender portrayal in media content is also crucial, to ensure stereotypes are not reinforced. Finally, women media workers have to be safe from gender specific violence to carry on their work.
Unfortunately, there is virtually no data available about the presence of women in media organizations in Brazil; regional...

Against this backdrop, WWJ and ASMITA jointly propose a project entitled “Strengthening Capacity of Women Journalists Working in Community Radio in Nepal” to create increased and balanced coverage on gender issues and contribute to a more objective, free, pluralistic and progressive media that will subsequently help to establish a more vibrant, inclusive and democracy in Nepal.

This project proposes a training workshop targeting 20 managers and content producers from 5 community radio initiatives. The proposed training will run for 2 days and will focus on the UNESCO produced toolkit on “Linking Generations through Radio”. The raining will be conducted in collaboration with a consultant radio producer in Zimbabwe and will be hosted in one of the community radio initiatives. This training is essential because ZACRAS members are already producing content from their communities which they package in CDs for distribution. The managers and content producers require...

To that end, AUCC has developed both a Climate Change course for its final year (Level 400) students, and also a 2-4 week training course for journalists currently employed in the field. The broad aim of these courses is to educate the journalists on climate change in order to equip them to educate their communities on the need to protect and sustain Planet Earth in order to guarantee quality human life. Training people to become effective journalists is important because journalists help the communication process at two levels: (1) analysis to bring sense and structure out of the never-...


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