Since the creation of Radio La Voz del Minero in 1947, Bolivia’s miners’ radio stations have acted as important spaces for public participation, the defence of miners’ rights as well as for cultural and educational activities. Today, however, many of these stations lack communicators and producers. This project seeks to improve the management capacities of members of miners' radio stations by supporting training sessions concerning radio programming, production, management and funding as well as relevant legal knowledge, based on the recommendations from UNESCO’s Community Radio...
IPDC Project implementation status: Implementation completed
Traditional media, citizen journalism and community radio have been important in setting the stage for change in Egypt. As the country transitions towards democracy, the media has a higher responsibility to raise awareness on political, social and cultural issues, such as expression of the right to freedom of expression. The massive use of non-professional footage by traditional channels such as Al Jazeera and the fast development of citizen blogs and websites to report on the events has brought an alternative method to hold the government and authorities accountable. Citizens, especially...
Evidence increasingly points in the direction of growing threats to the safety of journalists in Nigeria. This is highlighted by the claim by the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), the trade union and professional umbrella body of thousands of practicing journalists in Nigeria, that 13 journalists were killed in the course of assignments in the year 2012, representing the highest so far since the country’s independence in 1960. This is beside other forms of attacks, threats and intimidation. However, despite this apparent evidence, an outstanding problem is that of the absence of an...
In a country that is highly dangerous for journalists, Internet has come to represent a safe space for journalism. However, a forthcoming law on blocking and removing content from the Internet poses a threat to freedom of expression, access to information and privacy. This project therefore seeks to formulate a safety manual to help media professionals better protect their rights and personal safety when using ICTs and the Internet. This guide will include the recommendations and implementation strategy of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity...
At a time when Algerian universities are training thousands of students in information and communication sciences, the media sector has flourished in terms of job opportunities. However, both private and public print-media companies have been reluctant in opening their doors to graduates. Many French-language newspapers are instead turning to graduates of the natural sciences and foreign languages. It is for this reason that the Ecole nationale supérieure de journalisme et des sciences de l’information (ENSJSI) has decided to propose a course aimed at re-training scientists, economists and...
The media development in Sierra Leone has improved through the practice of plurality and liberalization with local newspapers and several radio stations country-wide. There are about eighty registered newspapers and only one public service broadcaster (SLBC) and about forty Community radio stations including Radio Bontico with various diversified radio programs for their targeted audience. Sierra Leone is a country that enjoys freedom of expression in its dissemination of information. The category of Media requested for support by this project is our rural community inhabitants whose...
Ecuador has recently approved a Communications Law that restricts the exercise of free expression. In order to minimize this Law's potential for self-censorship and external interference and to build a culture of high-quality journalism, this project will train journalism students, journalists and media leaders on best practices (including self-regulation, transparency and high ethical standards).
The Ecole Nationale d’Administration was established in 1966 to train senior-level Mauritanian government officials, and in this capacity it was entrusted with the task of setting up the Journalism Institute. Since 2011, the Institute has been offering an initial training programme in journalism as well as an ongoing training programme for practising journalists. Since then, it has been operating under the name Ecole nationale d’administration, du journalisme et de la magistrature (ENAJM) (National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy). This project provides for a training...
Although Sierra Leone has seen a proliferation of new community radio stations, most of these stations were started and managed by people with little or no training in broadcasting. As a result, these stations lack experienced and adequately trained staff, which limits the production of well-researched, balanced and professional programming. In particular, most lack the skills to produce professional programmes on accountability/transparency issues targeting local government institutions.
In response to the need for citizens to be adequately informed about government...
Most local and regional media outlets in Peru have very limited financial, technical and professional resources, which negatively affects production quality. Journalists lack knowledge about the Law of Access to Public Information and make few requests for information on sensitive state issues such as corruption. Given that journalists can play a central role in acting as watchdogs and stimulating public debate, it is essential to promote access to public information. This project shall therefore work with journalists and lawyers to develop a special programme for requesting the...