Violence against media workers and impunity of the perpetrators of such crimes are widespread in Mexico and Central America and have resulted in many deaths. These crimes require adequate safety measures, particularly for journalists working in remote areas who are most at risk. This project will build and launch a sustainable online training system for journalists, available anytime and anywhere within Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico.
IPDC Project evaluated: Yes
Media repression is rising in some countries in the Pacific, as journalists seeks ways to work together to promote quality journalism and democratic media development. This project will work with journalists and media workers in three countries in the region in order to advance reform and produce examples of best practice to positively influence the rest of the region. Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands have been chosen because of the existing or emerging strength of their national media associations and/or their potential for maximum project impact.
While the DRC has begun to enjoy media pluralism, instances of abuse are frequent due to the lack of neutrality and objectivity in the media. This project will therefore provide Congolese media professionals with training concerning peace journalism in order to promote their awareness of their role in the ongoing peace and reconciliation process, to strengthen their capacity and understanding with regard to conflict-related issues. and to acquaint them with the standards and principles upon which peace journalism is based.
VGK FM is one of the rare radio stations in the Plateaux region. It transmits within a very limited broadcast range of 15 km and only covers the town of Palimé, and a few, small, nearby villages. The vast majority of the districts in the coffee and cocoa triangle are therefore not covered by VGK FM and are victims of the decline in coverage that is observed as one moves away from Lomé, the capital, to the north of Togo. To compensate for this lack of technical resources, which limits the range of coverage of the VGK FM station, to strengthen the technical and operational capacity of the...
The proposed project will address the lack of science media associations and limited professional capacity of science media workers in the Balkan region. BASJ, a newly created regional journalists association, will promote online education and cooperation with other international and regional organizations and institutions in the Balkans. It will offer a 6-month online training course delivered through webinars and online lectures using BASJ's Science Media Network platform. The course will upgrade the skills of 20 journalism trainers, enabling them to teach new media competencies. The...
Myanmar was once described as the site of “one of Asia’s—if not the world’s—longest ethnic-based conflict since the country’s independence in 1948”. There are 135 distinct ethnic groups throughout the country, and recent studies have cited media as a “driver of conflict” due to inaccurate reporting, misinformation, bias and preference for conflict stories.
News media could play a key role in informing and educating different ethnic groups about their commonalities and differences, leading to greater understanding and tolerance. Dialogue between media practitioners, bloggers...
Jordan is home to one of the fastest growing Internet populations in the world. Over half the population has access to a smartphone, making the Internet an important space for average citizens to access news, engage in discussions, blog, publish videos and photos, and organize and mobilize as groups. In just 5 years, local electronic news (e-news) websites have grown to become the primary source of breaking news for most Jordanians. However, this has been accompanied by threats to individuals’ privacy and censorship attempts by the state. In mid-2012, the Press and Publications Law was...
The media have the potential to play a major role in raising awareness about environmental problems and in particular in educating the public about climate change. Doing so can help change attitudes and behaviour, such as the irresponsible dumping of toxic waste, which can help mitigate the effects of climate change.
In order for journalists to be able to fulfil this role, they must be familiar with the problems and able to present them in an understandable and interesting way. This is not the case in francophone Africa, where environmental issues are generally not valued (...
Iraq ranks as the fourth most corrupt state in the world. Officials routinely steal resources, thereby robbing Iraqis of opportunities to improve the lives of their families and communities. Investigative journalism exposes corruption, enhances transparency and makes officials accountable to the people, all of which leads to the improved performance of government institutions. However, the majority of Baghdad’s media organisations lack the capacity to professionally investigate the actions of government. This project will therefore train 40 local (female) journalists from regional media...
Gender equality is one of the greatest challenges facing journalists in Thailand. According to the Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media (2011), women are underrepresented in most management and newsgathering positions in the Asia Pacific, with women holding just 13% of senior management positions. Women’s salaries are generally lower and qualified women face a glass ceiling due to factors such as institutionalized prejudices.
This project will apply the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) to Thai PBS in order to encourage Thai PBS - and...
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