Upgrading Valley FM Radio
Valley FM is a community-based radio that broadcasts from Worcester, Western Cape, where radio is the most accessible and cost-effective communication medium for the mostly farm-dwelling residents. As of 2013, the station had 121,000 listeners across 28 towns in a region where community issues are marginalized in media coverage by the national broadcaster. Valley FM broadcasts in three languages - Afrikaans (80%), isiXhosa (15%) and English (5%) – and covers local concerns that may not feature in national news, such as domestic violence and teenage pregnancy. The station also has a strong focus on local heritage and cultural events, giving free airtime to community choirs, drama groups and events that express the local culture. In addition, it bridges the divide between policymakers and rural constituencies, regularly bringing concerns regarding service delivery raised by rural dwellers to the attention of decision-makers.
Valley FM faces a lack of active participation from some needy communities who lack recording and production facilities. With just one studio and set of equipment to carry out all activities, it is difficult to meet production and delivery deadlines and hence to cover breaking news or produce in-depth stories in a timely manner. This proposal is for funding for basic radio news equipment, which will go a long way in enabling Valley FM to respond to and disseminate local news and to provide a local perspective on national events.
The required equipment was purchased and installed. The equipment includes an electronic logging system for the storage of recordings and programmes broadcasts.
20 Valley FM staff members, correspondents and volunteers were trained on production techniques, advanced news gathering techniques and use of new equipment. High quality programmes focusing on developmental and educational issues of local public concern were then produced and broadcasted. The training has enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of the community radio in addressing the issues of public concern in a professional and timely manner.
The project achieved the set objectives. Valley FM acquired the required equipment to function effectively and efficiently. At the same time, the journalists, correspondents and volunteers were equipped with the necessary skills to deliver quality programmes that benefit the community members.