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Community radio engendering community cohesion and development

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$20 000.00

Portsmouth, one of the most populous communities in Dominica, has limited access to media since there are no community-owned outlets serving that region and only limited low-cost options available. This project will therefore provide the necessary equipment and training to establish a community-owned radio outlet. The station is projected to reach over 6,000 listeners across the town of Portsmouth and its environs. It will empower citizens by enabling immediate and affordable access to information on relevant issues as well as the promotion of culture. 

Full project description: 
Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Portsmouth Community Watch Foundation, Inc. (PCWF)
Beneficiary description: 

Incorporated in 2009, The Portsmouth Community Watch Foundation Inc. seeks through cooperative efforts by community stakeholders, to oversee and promote the safety, security, peace of mind, tranquility, and overall quality of life of members of the community; To develop positive physical, social, and psychological environments to mitigate against poverty and social and environmental degradation. The Community Watch Foundation has also undertaken to provide the local police station with audiovisual technology for use in its investigation and has implemented a community watch program along with a Quality of Life Improvement programme which is ongoing.

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary phone: 
+767 235-5107 / 616-1512

Beneficiary type:

Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 

UNESCO Office for the Caribbean: Mr Hara Padhy, h.padhy@unesco.org

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 

Ashton Riviere from PCWF

Project place: 
Derriere La Rosin, Portsmouth, Commonwealth of Dominica, WI
Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The major outputs in 2014/2015 are:
i) The equipment needed to set up the transmission facilities for the radio station was purchased from US suppliers;
ii) A steering Committee was set up to oversee the running of the radio station;
iii) Two training workshops were held on “Managing a Radio Station" and "Radio Journalism “, and 18 young persons from the Portsmouth Community participated in the training workshops. The radio station is called Possie Vibrations 88.5 FM.
Of the 18 persons who were trained, 12 were women and 6 were men.
Having been trained during the two workshops, the 18 young persons are now able to operate a radio station and develop local content for their Radio Station.