Capacity building and awareness raising for community radios on women's participation in Paraguay
This project aims to promote social, political and economic participation of women in society by fostering the generation of adequate information for community radio programming, using a rights-based approach that reflects a true and valued image of women and unmasks the power relations between men and women. The importance of working with community radios becomes evident when it is considered that the media forms public opinions, spread messages and can incite a change of cultural and social practices. According to a media analysis carried out in 2009 in Paraguay, newspaper articles featured men as the main actors of news in 84% of the analyzed coverage, leaving only 16% to female actors. This bias also exists in radio and TV programs, and none of the analyzed news items questioned these gender stereotypes. The common image of women in the media reflects and consolidates the traditional role of women as mothers and housewives.
The challenge addressed by this project is twofold: a) to generate information from a gender perspective that shows women's participation in different areas of occupation and b) to give voice to the increased presence of women in the media, in the written press as well as in broadcasting organizations, mostly working as reporters and presenters while the positions of higher hierarchies are still held by men. The media content as well as the role of women in media production reproduce gender inequality and biased power relations that dominate the society.