Training in Security, Law, Access to Information and Self-Regulation for Journalists Working in High-Risk Zones
A recent study conducted by the civil-society media observation group 'Fundamedios' revealed that journalism in Ecuador is practiced in a hostile environment, with frequent risk of physical aggression, destruction of equipment, and prosecution for cases of defamation, all of which contributes to an overall lack of freedom of expression and poor access to information. For this reason, it is necessary for journalists to learn how to defend and enforce their rights within the national legal framework, and to be made aware of the international mechanisms which protect and promote human rights. This project will respond to this demand in providing Ecuadorian journalists working in high-risk zones with integrated training covering security and rights for journalists, as well as media ethics and self-regulation. This training will be delivered in-person to a group of 60 journalists as a series of four workshops, before being made available to download free of charge via the Fundamedios website, thus providing a constant source of reference for journalists across the country and beyond. In attaining its goal, the project will contribute to building the capacities of journalists by enhancing their knowledge of legal instruments and the enforcement of legal rights, thus contributing to an increased quality of journalism based on ethical principles and self-regulation. OBJECTIVE To train 60 Ecuadorian journalists working in high-risk zones on security and rights for journalists, as well as media ethics and self-regulation; and to replicate the content of the training workshops in a free downloadable form online thus providing a constant source of reference.