UNESCO field offices: Yaoundé
Empower 40 journalists (gender parity respected) with skills and know‐how in journalism techniques specific to the electoral process so that they are capable of providing the Chadian population with reliable information on electoral campaigns, while adhering to the code of ethics of their profession.
Angola's socio-economic and political landscape is still recovering from the civil war that plagued the country for 27 years, immediately following its independence in 1975. After the end of the civil war in 2002 and the signing of the peace agreement, the country undertook a series of construction and re-housing programmes for the millions of people who had been displaced during the war. As such, despite a few pockets of resistance, the Angolan media operate in a country that is still undergoing reconstruction. To promote the development of a culture of peace through the disseminating of...
Workplace gender discrimination in media houses and a general lack of respect for women’s human rights creates barriers for women entering the media industry. Women media workers face sexist attitudes, sexual harassment, pay inequalities, discrimination in assignments and promotions, inflexible work environments and a lack of support mechanisms. The consequent lack of women in the media is reflected in editorial content, which often either fails to cover many women’s stories or does so in an inadequate manner. This project thus seeks to empower female journalists through training, with a...
With ongoing politico-military upheavals in CAR, forms of violence against women have increased in number and gravity. Moreover, most women experience scenes of violence within their own homes. Such violence makes women and young girls vulnerable and suppresses any desire or capacity to seek emancipation and financial independence. This project proposes to raise public awareness in CAR of violence against women by reinforcing the investigation methods of female journalists.
While the DRC has begun to enjoy media pluralism, instances of abuse are frequent due to the lack of neutrality and objectivity in the media. This project will therefore provide Congolese media professionals with training concerning peace journalism in order to promote their awareness of their role in the ongoing peace and reconciliation process, to strengthen their capacity and understanding with regard to conflict-related issues. and to acquaint them with the standards and principles upon which peace journalism is based.
The liberalization of the audiovisual space in 1990 witnessed an upsurge of private radios, television stations and newspapers across the national territory. Cameroon today boasts of over 300 newspapers, more than 200 private radio stations and over 50 private television channels. This dramatic growth of private ownership of media space has been supported by a modest growth in training institutions, most of which offer middle level journalism training.
This modest growth in the area of journalism training has created a vacuum in radio and television stations that require personnel...
Depuis les élections de 2010, les relations entre la presse privée et le pouvoir se sont détériorées. Les responsables de l’Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ) et les journalistes des principales radios indépendantes font régulièrement objet de menaces. Ils sont régulièrement intimidés, bastonnés, convoqués intempestivement devant les tribunaux, principalement aux tribunaux de grande instance de Bujumbura, de Ngozi et Bubanza pour la simple raison d’avoir dénoncé certains abus des pouvoirs publics ou d’avoir donné la parole à un opposant. Des pratiques qui rappellent la période du...
Malgré des élections en janvier 2011 reconnues par la communauté internationale comme transparente et démocratique, la RCA affiche aujourd’hui le visage d’un pays politiquement instable, économiquement faible et dans lequel le niveau d’insécurité dans l’arrière-pays reste une source de préoccupations. C’est dans cette ambiance de pauvreté et de misère accrue ainsi que d’insécurité qu’évolue la presse centrafricaine.
La RCA n’abritant jusqu’en 2009 aucune structure de formation initiale pour les professionnels des médias, ces derniers ont donc appris leur travail « sur le tas », ce...