Train 8 male and female presenters, and 5 members of the Friends of Bandafassi FM Community Radio Association, in radio broadcast production techniques, administrative and financial management of a community radio station, strategic planning, and on issues of decentralization, good governance, and citizenship after following the series of courses.
IPDC Project beneficiary type: Community
The immediate objective is to support 25 illiterate women from the South-East region of Tunisia in their contribution to local development by heightening the visibility of their projects.
The Vuelan las Plumas platform seeks to become an example of quality cultural journalism whose content production can be taken advantage of by many other media and forms of communication.
The creation of content requires a professional team with the capacities to develop quality programs and interviews. Vuelan las Plumas consists in generating and broadcasting live via radio and TV, and then uploading the content produced to the website to be downloaded by other communications media professionals and the wider public. To achieve this, capacity building is essential. ...
Radio Peace recognizes the developmental power of radio and realizes that sustainable development calls for cohesive communities that are grounded in their cultures and traditions. However, the limited success of decentralization in Ghana has left many communities in the central region without a clear process for integrated community action. Preoccupied with day-to-day subsistence, most listeners of Radio Peace are unable to fully appreciate the links between quality of life and good governance. This project aims to promote access to communication media and the right to communicate to this...
The media development in Sierra Leone has improved through the practice of plurality and liberalization with local newspapers and several radio stations country-wide. There are about eighty registered newspapers and only one public service broadcaster (SLBC) and about forty Community radio stations including Radio Bontico with various diversified radio programs for their targeted audience. Sierra Leone is a country that enjoys freedom of expression in its dissemination of information. The category of Media requested for support by this project is our rural community inhabitants whose...
Although Sierra Leone has seen a proliferation of new community radio stations, most of these stations were started and managed by people with little or no training in broadcasting. As a result, these stations lack experienced and adequately trained staff, which limits the production of well-researched, balanced and professional programming. In particular, most lack the skills to produce professional programmes on accountability/transparency issues targeting local government institutions.
In response to the need for citizens to be adequately informed about government...
The level of media development in Puntland, Somalia is low due to lack of resources and expertise as well as decades of war. Puntland State University (PSU) is committed to filling this gap and is ready to operationalize its Campus Radio Station. It has established a Media Training and Resource Centre, attained government permission for the radio station and, in 2011, equipment was procured by UNESCO. The station will cover community issues including, governance, rule of law, youth unemployment, environmental conservation, the plight of IDPs, piracy, FGM/C, terrorism and HIV/AIDS.
Nearly 9 in 10 female Ugandans live in rural areas and rely on community media for information. However, only about one in 10 of the country’s community media reporters, producers and anchors are women. In order to address this gender imbalance, this project will raise awareness about gender issues and encourage women to actively participate in their communities, particularly as media professionals and leaders. The activities shall be implemented by the Community Media Network of Uganda (COMNETU). A series of 3-day workshops will be held on human rights and gender, community media and...
Community reporting has never been a priority in Lesotho. The media is based in the capital city of Maseru and rural voices are rarely heard. Rural communities only make the news in negative stories or when a government official comes to officiate a development initiative. Given the increase in social and political problems in rural Lesotho, it is becoming more and more critical for rural communities to have an alternative media platform where they can have their voices heard and can discuss their own issues and possible solutions.
Lesotho’s only community radio station,...
Khorixas, with an estimated population of 68,735 people, is one of the lest developed parts of Namibia. This town and the neighbouring villages receive no daily newspapers and only intermittent radio coverage from one state-owned station. Khorixas therefore lacks a community platform to discuss development and social issues in a pluralistic, accessible and democratic way and is isolated from regional, national and international affairs.
There have been recurring and unmitigated resource-based conflicts over the years between the region’s diverse communities. In addition, the...