This projects seeks to bring together civil society members, editors of newspapers, station managers, experts in the field of public health media campaigns, the Sierra Leone Bar Association, the Political Parties Commission, the Office of National Security and key partners in the fight against Ebola to develop a NATIONAL REPORTING GUIDELINES FOR MEDIA PRACTIONERS which will significantly contribute to press freedom, enhancing self-regulation and at the same time containing the virus.
Countries: Sierra Leone
The media development in Sierra Leone has improved through the practice of plurality and liberalization with local newspapers and several radio stations country-wide. There are about eighty registered newspapers and only one public service broadcaster (SLBC) and about forty Community radio stations including Radio Bontico with various diversified radio programs for their targeted audience. Sierra Leone is a country that enjoys freedom of expression in its dissemination of information. The category of Media requested for support by this project is our rural community inhabitants whose...
Although Sierra Leone has seen a proliferation of new community radio stations, most of these stations were started and managed by people with little or no training in broadcasting. As a result, these stations lack experienced and adequately trained staff, which limits the production of well-researched, balanced and professional programming. In particular, most lack the skills to produce professional programmes on accountability/transparency issues targeting local government institutions.
In response to the need for citizens to be adequately informed about government...
The level of media development in Sierra Leone has over the years improved significantly. Media pluralism and liberalization of the media landscape in Sierra Leone has given rise to the establishment of several local news papers and radio stations nation-wide. There are about eighty registered newspapers in the Western Area even though not all are operational. In Sierra Leone there is only one public service broadcaster (SLBC) and about fifty Private/Community radio stations including Radio Bintumani. These radio stations have various types of programming and format based on their...
2012 is an election year in post-conflict Sierra Leone. Given the deep scars of the past, peace is fragile and the electoral period could see a relapse into violence if, inter alia, the people feel disenfranchised in any way. Access to credible and objective information is crucial. The country’s fledgling democracy still lacks the maturity to handle political tolerance there is therefore the need for a sustained media campaign. The media landscape is generally free as there is no blatant government interference, however a number of the media outlets, particularly the print media, are...
Period: 1986-1992