Maldives is a unique country with its population of just over 300,000 spread across some 1200 coral islands, some hundreds of kilometres apart. Thus, broadcast media, especially radio, plays an important role in keeping the country’s far-flung population connected and informed. Recent years have seen a significant improvement in the level of media freedom and independence in the country, with the government allowing the establishment of private newspapers, radio and television. In May 2007, the government highlighted four main pillars of the media reform process, namely confidence building...
Countries: Maldives
Great progress has been made in recent years in developing the Maldivian media, with 2007 witnessing the issuing of licenses for the first private broadcasting stations as well as the formulation of six media-related bills, one of which has been adopted. Much work is still required however, particularly in providing training for the country's media professionals, and in further developing the legal framework with special regard to freedom of expression. This was reiterated by last year's media development assessment in the Maldives (carried out using UNESCO's Media Development Indicators...
This project is designed to address issues such as the lack of training of media staff in the Atoll Islands and the absence of two-way communication, that may facilitate early warning in the prevention of disasters. The solution proposed through this project is to reinforce Community Broadcasting and facilitate electronic sharing and networking for community development, through the organization of three training of trainers workshops in specialized areas of community broadcasting using ICTs, such as management and operations; production and broadcast techniques, paying special attention...
Period: 1996-1998
Period: 1990-1992
Period: 1988-1990
Period: 1984-1986