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Countries: N/A

 In this project CFOM will interview news editors/senior journalists of news organisations (see C Additional Information below) in six countries where press freedom is constrained and where editors could therefore be expected to have a greater interest in combating threats to journalists and ensuring safe reporting than in countries where the press is relatively free and journalists generally operate in a safe environment. These countries are Pakistan, Mexico, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Turkey, India and Bulgaria. The interviews will focus on editors/senior journalists’ news...

On August 2014, the Paraguayan law on access to public information was passed. Our institution – IDEA- has been leading efforts towards this goal for 8 years: a process that at times could not to see a light at the end of the tunnel, and required a significant investment in terms of time and funds. 
During that process, communicators have been mostly allies; although a small number of the sector opposed. Led by IDEA, the GIAI (a Group of NGOs an individuals who got together to coordinate actions in support of Access to Information) included the press at all times, as main...

The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) steering committee has identified capacity building as one of the key inputs to the effectiveness of the Alliance. GAMAG is a network of media organisations working together to advance the strategic objections of the section J of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA). The GAMAG was formed at the Bangkok Global Forum on Media and Gender in December 2013. This project aims to build the capacity of this stakeholder including media, in this network

The proposed project, Gender and Diversity Media Policy Toolkit, will promote the success stories in diversity and inclusion media management and guide media organisations across continents to implement tried and tested tools for successful gender equality policies in media.

Institutional capacity of Sudan’s first educational institution dedicated to Press and Printing Technology enhanced through capacity building of teachers through two training workshops, improving the curricula and upgrading the equipment and building up digital media resource centre.

To that end, AUCC has developed both a Climate Change course for its final year (Level 400) students, and also a 2-4 week training course for journalists currently employed in the field. The broad aim of these courses is to educate the journalists on climate change in order to equip them to educate their communities on the need to protect and sustain Planet Earth in order to guarantee quality human life. Training people to become effective journalists is important because journalists help the communication process at two levels: (1) analysis to bring sense and structure out of the never-...


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