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Women and Radio Online

Year when project approved: 

The project aims at supporting the production of a series of creative micro-programmes based on the debate and reflection of the history of Women's Rights. The programmes will be spread through the radio networks CORAPE, ALER, AMARC and CONDESAN. For this purpose, the project will provide technical and creative training to 20 women during a period of 10 months. This training is expected to strengthen their position within the stations, make their work visible and promote the debate on the need for a gender perspective in the media. The project will not only utilize the potential of new communication technologies for promoting development, but also deal with the 'androcentric' bias in information and communication processes, which is reflected by an unequal access to and knowledge of information technologies between men and women. The project will address three vital development problems: The scarce opportunities for free and creative production by women working in radio stations; The lack of influence of women to introduce themes of their interest within radio programmes; and the need to strengthen the use of networks so that old and new technologies can be put to the service of actors with little access to media. The long-term objective of this project is to promote the democratization of communication spaces such as radio stations and their networks, and increase the presence of women within them.

Full project description: 
Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

IPDC Priority:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Corporación Promoción de la Mujer (CPM) Taller de Comunicación Mujer (TCM)
Beneficiary description: 
Beneficiary address: 

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary phone: 
Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 

Andrew Radolf, a.radolf@unesco.org;

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 
Project place: 
Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 
Summary of the project evaluation: 
Achieved outputs: