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Capacity strengthening of the community radio The Voice of Imbabura

Year when project approved: 

This project aims to strengthen technical and human resource capacities of the Voice of Imbabura, a public-service radio station located in Ibarra, capital of the Imbabura Province, with the ultimate goal of encouraging civic participation in decision-making processes. The objectives of the project include modernizing the radio station through the installation of new digital equipment; improving the programming by means of restructuring and the production of informative, educational and cultural programs; and creating radio spots for the participation of youth and women (through journalism clubs). in addition, In addition, the project hopes to: Develop a training program for radio personnel and communicators who work with the station; Develop educational programs that contain information on health, rights, human relations, etc; Promote the development of programs that strengthen cultural identity, promote cultural diversity and encourage artistic and musical activities in the region; and Develop informative radio programs based on local priorities.

Project details

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Voice of Imbabura
Beneficiary description: 
Beneficiary address: 

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary phone: 

Beneficiary type:

Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 
Project contacts: 
Project place: 
Ibarra, capital of the Imbabura Province
Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The project was completed at the end of October 2005, and all three planned workshops were carried out. At least 20 local communicators participated in the workshops. The equipment approved for the project has been purchased and installed. The radio also created a Web page in order to make the radio's programming available through the Internet. The project achieved its intended results of improving the capacities and programme offerings of Radio Imbabura including both local news as well as programmes on education, culture and community affairs. The project, for its scope, had good results in meeting its immediate objectives. The feedback from the workshop participants has been positive. The long-term impact will be determined by whether or not the improved programming has led an increase in listeners.

Summary of the project evaluation: 
Achieved outputs: