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Restructuring of the Radio Station of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana

Year when project approved: 

The Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión Radio Station has a regional coverage, reaching the provinces of Pichincha, Imbabura, and Cotopaxi; it broadcasts, in addition to music, information about national news (art, tourism and culture) and information about educational, scientific and technological initiatives. Its archive exchanges both national and international productions, in addition to providing spaces for public participation on current and daily subjects. In order to fulfill CCE's goal of promoting cultural values and development in Ecuador, the current Administration is seeking to restructure the radio station in order to facilitate cultural broadcasting to the largest possible audience and fulfill the role of democratic communication, according to the following elements: pluralism, participation, social and public function and a democratic debate. The immediate objectives of this project are: To fortify CCE Radio institutionally, technically and professionally; To strengthen staff training for the Communication Department and the Radio Station; To promote cultural activities in Ecuador, and to broaden the scope of the audience and facilitate the audience's access to radio spaces; and to improve the physical infrastructure in order to develop interactive programs with the greatest number of participants.

Project details

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

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Budget code: 

Source of funds:

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Beneficiary name: 
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión Radio Station
Beneficiary description: 
Beneficiary address: 
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Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 
Project contacts: 
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Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The project has been completed. Thirteen training activities were carried out successfully, on Strategic planning in communication, Radio management, Radio production, Digital editing, Radio contribution to education, science and culture, two on New technologies for radio, Popular Reporting, Radionovelas, Dramatization, Vocalization and Elocution, and two on news reporting. Each one was attended by 12 to 19 participants, and lasted between 20 and 40 hours. Three documents were produced as a result, regarding the restructuring of CCE. The project also carried out a series of eight educational seminars about the history of public service radio in Ecuador and Latin America, under the general heading of 'Citizen Radio in the 21st Century' The training programmes carried out have improved the technical and production capacities in radio of the Casa de la Cultura. In fact, CCE carried out more training sessions than originally foreseen. CCE has also provided the Quito office with copies of programming content produced as a result of the training as well as evaluations of the participants, which were generally positive. CCE recently presented its final report. (Project completed)

Summary of the project evaluation: 
Achieved outputs: