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Seminar-workshop 'Journalism in Conflict/Post-Conflict Areas in Colombia'

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$24 200.00

Based on the premise that the information and the construction of a critical and informed public opinion are fundamental factors for the consolidation of a democratic state, this project intends to train media professionals in fostering spaces for public debate, generating appropriation of the problematic and sensitise on the need to search for effective ways that guarantee the reinsertion of this population to civil life. In order to reach these objectives, this project proposes an action plan made up of research, training and information components and involving the journalists that cover the process on a daily basis. The immediate objective is to provide high-level training to a group of fifty journalists of two regions (Barrancabermeja and CĂșcuta) able to bring contents and analyse elements about the conflict and the post-conflict in Colombia, the demobilisation process and the re-insertion of the armed illegal groups. To satisfy this development objective, the project will aim at encouraging journalists to cover these issues in a responsible manner and with journalistic integrity. These guidelines will make it easier for journalists to address post-conflict issues with more thoroughness, which will be very positive for the freedom of expression and for the people to have access to accurate information and a better understanding of what is happening in the country.

Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nÂș: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 
354 COL 5071

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Medios para la Paz (MPP)
Beneficiary description: 

Medios para la Paz (MPP) is a non-profit organization created by journalists and for journalists. Its institutional mission is to encourage an ethical and responsible practice of journalism in the context of the Colombian armed conflict, which involves elements of open conflict, negotiation, and post conflict situations. Since its creation eight years ago, MPP has organised numerous training seminars about the armed conflict, and contributed to disseminating well-balanced information on the diverse problems related to war, such as the history of the conflict and of the armed groups, the negotiations between the government and the armed illegal groups, displacement, combating and ex-combating children, the terror acts and border conflicts, among others.

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary type:

Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 

Rosa Gonzalez, r.gonzalez@unesco.org;

UNESCO Field Office:

Project place: 
Follow-up and achievments
Summary of the project implementation: 

The workplan and training plan were received in September 2008. The workshops however had to be postponed because of the collapse of financial pyramid schemes in the very same region where the workshops had to take place. The attention of journalists being focused on covering these events, the organizers decided to postpone the workshops. The two workshops finally took place in 2009. The first was attended by 24 and the second by 27 communicators and journalists. The most important result of the workshops was an improved understanding of how to deal with subjects related to the armed conflict in Colombia; the weaknesses of regional journalism when dealing with these topics; the provision of elements for analyzing and understanding the phenomena related to the post-conflict process; responsible ways of covering conflict-related issues; international laws related to the subject of disarming illegal armed actors as well as the process of justice, truthfulness and compensation to victims. These results were posted on MPP's website and disseminated through national media. The project successfully provided training on journalism in conflict countries and will have a long-term impact on participating journalists. This project is technically and administratively terminated.