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Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$19 925.00

The project seeks to improve the Palestinian media environment by fostering professional capacity of independent journalists and raising the overall standards of media quality. This will be accomplished through intensive media training of Ma’an Network’s journalists and editors and a complete restructuring of all editorial policies and procedures, built upon UNESCO’s key recommendations for developing media in Palestine. Specifically, trainings will be tailored to encourage community broadcasting, and updating the audio-visual media; strengthen objective analyses of state offices; broaden media coverage to include equal and nuanced portrayals of men and women; and promote a self-regulation system for the media that decreases self-censorship.

Full project description: 
Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

Project scope:

Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Donor country:

Beneficiary name: 
Ma’an Network
Beneficiary description: 

Ma’an Network was established in 2002 with a mandate to strengthen independent media as well as to consolidate freedom of expression and media pluralism as a means of promoting democracy and human rights in the West Bank and Gaza. Ma’an Network has created a trusted source of independent media in its quest to advance freedom of speech, democracy, and human rights. The organization strictly maintains its editorial independence and is not influenced by political or commercial pressures or any outside or personal interests. As a non-profit organization, Ma’an Network’s programming aims to create a media agenda that is inclusive and which represents diverse communities, including minority groups. It also aims to empower civil society and promote Government accountability through facilitating dialogue between citizens and those in position of power.

Beneficiary address: 
Al-Majd Building 4th floor, Al Karkafeh St. Bethlehem, Palestine

Beneficiary country:

Beneficiary phone: 
972 2 2760085
Location and contacts

UNESCO Field Office:

Project place: 

Project region: