The media landscape in Uganda (including new media) is characterized by diversity, independence and sustainability. The number of licensed Radio stations as at July 2010 is 244. Out of these, only eight are community based radio stations. In reference to the African Media Barometer Uganda report 2010, the editorial independence of print media is protected adequately against undue political interference. A number of universities offer degree courses in journalism. One, Makerere, has a Master’s programme. In 2002, the Eastern Africa Media Institute – Uganda Chapter developed a National...
IPDC project priority: Community radio
In recent years, Jordan has witnessed a steady increase in the number of newspapers, private commercial radio and TV stations. However in spite of this liberalization of the media landscape, media content and production at present cater predominantly to the needs of the urban population which is male biased and centralized in the capital of Amman. Local issues receive little coverage and local communities living in rural areas, particularly women, have limited access to media production and are underrepresented. According to the Jordan Media Survey conducted in 2009, radio was found to be...
In recent years there has been an increased demand for more participatory forms of media in the Pacific region, thus accounting for the emergence of community radios in certain areas. Community radios are important tools for development since they enable the participation of marginalized groups in the development process by offering a platform for democratic discourse. Unfortunately however, many rural dwellers in the Pacific are still unable to access radio due to technical challenges. Furthermore, the scope of existing Community Radios to exercise their full potential as development...
In comparison to its population size, Ethiopia is served by a relatively small number of private and state-owned television and radio stations. Although these have played a fundamental role in bridging the information gap, certain communities whose languages are not yet covered by the mainstream media remain impoverished in terms of their ability to access information. Community radio has the possibility to reach out to such groups, but at present the majority of community radio stations in Ethiopia are forced to operate with very limited means due to short supply of equipment and lack of...
Access to knowledge and information is of paramount importance in improving the lives of poor and marginalized communities. In Bangladesh, the three primary sources of broadcast media (namely government-owned public service media, private media, and international media) do not effectively cater to the needs and expectations of these marginalized communities since their information sources tend to be centralized and aimed at profit-making. Community radio however, has the proven potential to remedy this situation by giving marginalized rural communities a voice and the opportunity to take...
The creation of 'Bush Radio' in 1992 marked the beginning of a new era in community media in South Africa, with over 120 licensed community radio stations existing today, providing coverage of a wide range of subjects which are of relevance at a local level. Whilst this increased representation of community issues within the media is undoubtedly a positive trend, there is a continued underrepresentation of female community radio presenters which needs to be addressed. This project will train 12 women volunteers and staff from 12 community radio stations in South Africa in order to equip...
The basic human right of freedom of expression is accounted for within Papua New Guinea's Constitution, thus serving as a tool to enhance empowerment of its people and assist in development. At present, the country has two major newspapers in circulation, with a handful of smaller newspapers existing within the main cities. In terms of electronic media, two television stations and two major national radio stations operate, with links to provincial station networks. This national-owned radio network covers most of the major centres, however certain areas remain outside the coverage zone,...
Senegal enjoys media diversity in both the broadcasting and print-media sectors, with the 1990s seeing an end to state domination and the emergence of private and community audiovisual media. At present, more than 58 community radios exist within the country, providing communities with the means to access information produced by local people, which is therefore tailored to the needs of a local audience. In spite of occupying this important role however, lack of training among personnel and insufficient financial resources to maintain and replace equipment pose a worrying threat to the...
The public's perception of the role of television and radio in Saint Lucia is that they exist primarily for entertainment purposes as opposed to being an avenue to voice concerns and express views on issues that impact directly on daily lives in the community. Although 'call-in programmes' and 'talk shows' do exist, the subjects are almost always chosen by the producers and tend to be tailored to an urban audience. This project will develop a community radio station, entitled Harmony FM, to develop human and technical capacity within the community in order to allow the sharing of...
Nepal's media sector has made great advances in the past two decades, with the introduction of laws ensuring press freedom paving the way for private and community involvement in the media. Today, more than 11 television channels broadcast from Kathmandu, and over 237 radio stations operate within the country, including a substantial number of community radio stations. Community radio has the proven potential to enable marginalized communities to exercise their right to knowledge and information, including them in policy and decision-making processes, and promoting the diversity of their...