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IPDC project priority: Community radio

Portsmouth, one of the most populous communities in Dominica, has limited access to media since there are no community-owned outlets serving that region and only limited low-cost options available. This project will therefore provide the necessary equipment and training to establish a community-owned radio outlet. The station is projected to reach over 6,000 listeners across the town of Portsmouth and its environs. It will empower citizens by enabling immediate and affordable access to information on relevant issues as well as the promotion of culture. 

Since the creation of Radio La Voz del Minero in 1947, Bolivia’s miners’ radio stations have acted as important spaces for public participation, the defence of miners’ rights as well as for cultural and educational activities. Today, however, many of these stations lack communicators and producers. This project seeks to improve the management capacities of members of miners' radio stations by supporting training sessions concerning radio programming, production, management and funding as well as relevant legal knowledge, based on the recommendations from UNESCO’s Community Radio...

In 2013, the government of El Salvador established the Institute for Access to Public Information to sanction violations of the Access to Public Information Law. However, the general public - particularly rural citizens - lack awareness of the Institute and its mandate. The proposed project will therefore train community journalists in remote areas of El Salvador on how to educate the public on their rights and responsibilities regarding this Law.

The level of media development in Sierra Leone has over the years improved significantly. Media pluralism and liberalization of the media landscape in Sierra Leone has given rise to the establishment of several local news papers and radio stations nation-wide. There are about eighty registered newspapers in the Western Area even though not all are operational. In Sierra Leone there is only one public service broadcaster (SLBC) and about fifty Private/Community radio stations including Radio Bintumani. These radio stations have various types of programming and format based on their...

Namibia is preparing for general elections in 2014. The ruling Swapo Party congress takes place in November 2012 and will be the official launch pad for party (and individual) election campaigns in preparation for the 2014 ballot. Next year, 2013, is therefore a critical pre-election phase for Namibians. Thus, the quality of the national debate will depend on the capacity of Namibians including the marginalised groups such as the rural women and the youth to engage with the political process. This will be through the envisaged civic awareness campaigns and secondly through a process that...

The liberalization of the audiovisual space in 1990 witnessed an upsurge of private radios, television stations and newspapers across the national territory. Cameroon today boasts of over 300 newspapers, more than 200 private radio stations and over 50 private television channels. This dramatic growth of private ownership of media space has been supported by a modest growth in training institutions, most of which offer middle level journalism training.

This modest growth in the area of journalism training has created a vacuum in radio and television stations that require personnel...

CRST FM104 is the only radio station licensed to broadcast from Tafea Province (which includes the 5 most southern islands of Vanuatu) to the people of Tafea Province. It is the only licensed community radio station in the country. The national broadcaster, the VBTC (Radio Vanuatu and Television Blong Vanuatu), commercial FM radio stations, other national media outlets including newspapers are generally not able to be seen or heard in Tafea Province which results in its people being unable to receive updates on events taking place across the Province, as well as nationally and globally....

Although provincial radio stations exist in more than ten provinces in Cambodia, most of their main contents or programs are the relayed programs from the Radio Nationale Kampuchea (RNK) in Phnom Penh. Therefore, most of the programs do not serve the needs of the community people since the information needed by provincial people are different geographically. It is important that community people who are the target listeners of those provincial radios get the most from the local programs. Provincial radio stations generally lack professional capacities of media workers / program producers...

Maldives is a unique country with its population of just over 300,000 spread across some 1200 coral islands, some hundreds of kilometres apart. Thus, broadcast media, especially radio, plays an important role in keeping the country’s far-flung population connected and informed. Recent years have seen a significant improvement in the level of media freedom and independence in the country, with the government allowing the establishment of private newspapers, radio and television. In May 2007, the government highlighted four main pillars of the media reform process, namely confidence building...

Jamaica has a vibrant radio media sector with twenty stations offering service, the majority being nationwide offering vast selections of music, phone in programmes and news. The sector is highly competitive, but driven by the dictates of the advertisers. The specific needs of communities driving development are only catered for by three radios, including Jet FM which serves rural Jamaica. Jeffrey Town Farmers Association, (JTFA) set up and launched Jet FM in 2008, and has been recognized as one of the best in Caribbean for its efforts at community development using media and recognized by...


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